can you tell me what this is???


Well-Known Member
I was moving some females around the other day and noticed this on one of my girls, it looks like brown rusty spots. sorry pics aren't that great. i am currently in my third week of flowering under 1000w hps.CAM00317.jpgCAM00318.jpg


Active Member
I think you nailed it in your description. It looks like rust fungus. If it is, you will see a corresponding blister (raised bump) on the underside of the leaf. It spreads pretty rapidly. I have dealt with this in the past. I used a mixture of baking soda and horticultural oil. It really didn't seem to affect the spread IMO. Further reading about rust on edibles indicates that the fruits of plants affected by rust are still edible. It seemed to arrive at my last two weeks of flowering. Looking inside my buds I saw no evidence there; I suppose due to the bud cluster being so tight the spores couldn't get in there. It is quite common in the spring on a multitude of plants and trees, so it probably came in with you. It does rob the plant of nutrients. There are a lot of gardening sites online that discuss control.


Well-Known Member
i been doing some research and just about everything i read has lead me to believe that it is a mag deficency. if anyone has any imformation on this it would be greatly appriciated. it is a sativa plant about 50" tall if that helps


Well-Known Member
If anyone has any other suggestions on what this.could be and how i can fix it please feel free to answer. To all those that have helped so far your help is greatly appriciated


Well-Known Member
ok so here is a better pic of what is going on with my plant. if anyone can help me figure this out it would be great. i don't want her to die and the problem is not going away since i have no idea what could be wrong. i want to figure this out so i can do something about it but i need more advice to what this could be before i do something that will really mess her up.CAM00361.jpg