can you use a food dehydrator to cure bud?

Brick Top

New Member
jsus i hate it when ppl post without reading the whole thread i know your probally baked but dont be lazy

What I dislike far more is someone who asks a question or questions that have already been asked and answered more times than the number of fleas on an Alabama hound dogs back when they could instead do an RIU search or use Google or buy a book or several books on growing or try all of them.

That really puckers my sphincter and is evidence that they are lazy or less than intelligent or possibly both.



Well-Known Member
What I dislike far more is someone who asks a question or questions that have already been asked and answered more times than the number of fleas on an Alabama hound dogs back when they could instead do an RIU search or use Google or buy a book or several books on growing or try all of them.

That really puckers my sphincter and is evidence that they are lazy or less than intelligent or possibly both.

if that makes yer asshole tingle maybe you should rethink posting on forums, we are here to help if you dnt wanna help don;t post..... and yes ppl been smokin air dried uncured buds for decades and i know mine taste great, burn well and get me plenty high before cureing. you were new once too.. and not that long ago it seems


Well-Known Member
lol to be honest i was high when i posted this ... might of been why i didnt search but since where on to the subject of alternate bud drying/cureing methods im probably going to start a different thread after I design mine... sorry brick top seems like you would be a little irritated if i did the same thing to you..?


Well-Known Member
Bricktop was giving u that which u didn't have - an explanation as opposed 2 just an answer. It was education - not just opinion.


Well-Known Member
i was in a bad mood that day your right ninjax +rep to brick top, and + rep to ninja for making me realize that im an ass

Brick Top

New Member
if that makes yer asshole tingle maybe you should rethink posting on forums, we are here to help if you dnt wanna help don;t post.....

You may or may not have notice that my pot count is up to 2,053 posts. I have dispensed a great deal of accurate and helpful information. Some chose to not believe it or follow it but I have more than made an effort to be of assistance to those asking for help.
It just does grow tiresome to have to post the exact same information multiple times in one single day to posting it once almost every day when it could easily be found through a search or by using Google instead of starting the BILLIONITH thread asking the exact same question as all those previous asked.

and yes ppl been smokin air dried uncured buds for decades and i know mine taste great, burn well and get me plenty high before cureing.

"Plenty high" and as high as you could otherwise get can and often times are two totally different things. Through proper drying and proper curing you insure that all the THC has been converted to a psychoactive form. Newly harvested and only dried herb, especially when quickly dried, will not allow the percentage of THC that is not in a psychoactive form to become psychoactive thus meaning what you referred to as getting you "plenty high" would be a better high.
But to each his own.

you were new once too.. and not that long ago it seems

You are partially correct in what you said. At one time I was new to growing my own herb. That was in 1972.
By chance were you even alive in 1972?
Between 37 years of growing experience, a great deal of reading and researching sources that were not much more than opinion forums like this site is, and many others like it are, and having four totally cool family members with degrees in botany whose brains I can pick for any and all information I might need and not already know and being part owner of a family owned pot-in-pot nursery that covers something over 15 acres now I have managed over my 37 years of growing to accumulate at least a slight bit of knowledge.
What does your resume read like? Is it even half of what mine is?

Brick Top

New Member
sorry brick top seems like you would be a little irritated if i did the same thing to you..?

There is no doubt at all that I can at times become irritated. I have more than proven that on this site any number of times but I do try to limit it to those who are truly deserving of a good sound thrashing or at least to those who desperately need a reality readjustment.
Other times my blunt honesty and rapier-like wit that can be at times cutting and can be and oft times is misconstrued as being a sign of my being irritated when most often that is not the case.

I have always been blunt and I have never been one to kiss anyone’s ass, well other that females with tight little asses you could bounce a dime off of them and are so small they would fit in a tea cup ... I'll kiss asses like that faster than an Ethiopian will take off running after learning that there is a free all you can eat steak and lobster buffet in the next village over, so often times the combination does not sit well with some people and as I said I can be misunderstood at times.

But in the end it matters not to me in the least. I am dealing with strangers and regardless if everyone loves me whole heatedly or hates me with a passion it will in no way alter my life in either a positive or a negative manner, so frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn.

Brick Top

New Member
should we bow down to kiss your feet ? o mighty pot god? get off yourself

No, there is no need for anyone to ever do anything like that.

What would be nice though would be for people to stop assuming and then saying things they know absolutely nothing about and then using that in a desperate attempt to create a false reality with hopes of discrediting me and making themselves appear to be far more than they actually are.
That would be very nice for a change.


Well-Known Member
I did eventually give you +rep for your info as it was good info, some of it i had learned on my own by the time you posted because i did seek it out, though you had no way of knowing that, but don't make the assumption that i am lazy i am here to learn as horticulture and botany have become my passion lately including other species of plants as well.


Well-Known Member
No, there is no need for anyone to ever do anything like that.

What would be nice though would be for people to stop assuming and then saying things they know absolutely nothing about and then using that in a desperate attempt to create a false reality with hopes of discrediting me and making themselves appear to be far more than they actually are.
That would be very nice for a change.
I didn't try to discredit you or try to appear to know more than i do, I will admit i am inexperienced but at least give credit to someone that is trying to learn even if you don't agree with the method in which they do so.


Well-Known Member
You may or may not have notice that my pot count is up to 2,053 posts. I have dispensed a great deal of accurate and helpful information. Some chose to not believe it or follow it but I have more than made an effort to be of assistance to those asking for help.
It just does grow tiresome to have to post the exact same information multiple times in one single day to posting it once almost every day when it could easily be found through a search or by using Google instead of starting the BILLIONITH thread asking the exact same question as all those previous asked.

"Plenty high" and as high as you could otherwise get can and often times are two totally different things. Through proper drying and proper curing you insure that all the THC has been converted to a psychoactive form. Newly harvested and only dried herb, especially when quickly dried, will not allow the percentage of THC that is not in a psychoactive form to become psychoactive thus meaning what you referred to as getting you "plenty high" would be a better high.
But to each his own.

You are partially correct in what you said. At one time I was new to growing my own herb. That was in 1972.
By chance were you even alive in 1972?
Between 37 years of growing experience, a great deal of reading and researching sources that were not much more than opinion forums like this site is, and many others like it are, and having four totally cool family members with degrees in botany whose brains I can pick for any and all information I might need and not already know and being part owner of a family owned pot-in-pot nursery that covers something over 15 acres now I have managed over my 37 years of growing to accumulate at least a slight bit of knowledge.
What does your resume read like? Is it even half of what mine is?
so you want a pissn match, ehh first off your post count means nothingplenty of ppl have more posts than you and havn't evan started their first grow. do not assume your talking to a punk kid its not true.ive seen your posts and ive seen some out dated info aswell.. you ask of my expieriance i will tell you..... i was alive in 1972 ,but you got me there i was just a young kid then, i don't have 37 years exp. i only have 10 years growing solo and another 10 before that running a large op with an old hippie, but evan in my 10 years growing solo a lot of things have changed it's something that will always change and knowledge that was cutting edge in1972 is close to useless now, i run an organic vegetable farm, have now for 5 years. if you grow tiersome from posting the same info over and over just skip it and move on to another thread, your not obligated to answer every question, and there is definatly no reason to get a attitude with anyone because they asked a question i would call that immature. everyone has a bad day now and then so maybe you were having a bad day whatever, i have no problem with you im glade your here to help but do just that help ppl don't act like yer shittn in high cotton because noone really cares how great you say you are. good luck with all things and take it easy some things just don't need to be said remember that.

Brick Top

New Member
at least give credit to someone that is trying to learn even if you don't agree with the method in which they do so.

What you referred to as trying to learn and how many new growers go about it closely equates to someone in school trying to learn by asking the dumbest kid in the class for help.
Far too much information spread on sites like this is a combination of pure fallacy, inaccurate information, partially accurate information but still inaccurate enough to be dangerous, half truths, misperceptions, cause and effect connections that connected the wrong dots to come to whatever conclusion was arrived at, pure opinion, myths, urban legends, and old hippie folklore.

What makes it doubly terrible is that many new growers believe such things and then they later pass on the same horrible advice to the next crop of noobs.
It is a never-ending cycle of the blind leading the blind and those with sight are oft times not believed and ignored because of the overwhelming amount of inaccurate information that is so similar in so many inaccurate replies to their questions that they believe it because the new grower wrongly assumes that if that many people say it then it must be true and the one or two or three people that say something totally different just have to be wrong.
What I make an effort to stress with people who are attempting to learn is simple.
Ignore messages that say things like, this is what I do, I think this would be good, I heard from some guy that he does this or that, in my opinion, maybe this would work, you learn more from experimentation than from researching and a very long list of many similar things.
People have been growing herb for thousands of years. True not in the same ways or with the same knowledge base as we have today but the best thing any new grower could do is listen to experts.

Now I am NOT claiming myself to be an expert. Most all advice I post comes from expert sources and is usually C&P’s, though at times I will offer a shortened reworded version if it best fits at the time.

Other times if it is only my personal experience or something someone else has done and told me about I mention that and say I cannot swear to how accurate or if it is best or not and if you try it you are doing so at your own risk. I word it differently but I do add a warning if it is not something from an expert source and that might cause problems if followed and it backfires on the person.
Because people have grown herb for so very long the old saying that there is nothing new under the sun is 100% applicable unless what is being talked about is some new technological equipment.

Many, MANY times I have read messages where someone said how they just came up with a "brand new idea" and it turns out to be something I learned about as far back as in the 70’s and that had been tried and or done by others well before that.
Some people put so much emphasis on experimentation, as if they honestly believe they have thought up something new or believe they will learn more that way, when they do not know that what they think they thought up or invented and are experimenting with has already been tried one, two, three, four or more decades ago or even WAY, WAY farther back in the past and it failed and had it not failed it would be common knowledge today and everyone would be doing it.
If someone is new and wants to learn then they should learn from true pros. I often advice people to buy a few books written by proven professional growers or at least find online books written by true proven professional growers and read them and follow what they learn and ignore the, well I do this, and I grow in a shot glass or I grow 6 foot monsters in 1-gallon pots and that is all you need, type of people and messages.

I also suggest using Google and finding other reliable accurate sources like breeder sites and seedbank sites and online hydroponics store sites and the like that have tutorials and trouble shooting information along with basic general information that ever new grower should know before they even go so far as to order their first beans.
I also advise them to garner all the information they will need for their grow, at least about the strain or strains they will grow, and to have all the needed equipment and fertilizers and nutrient additives etc. that will be needed so later they will not find themselves lacking something they need and that they need now and so they will not have to post fuzzy pictures and ask is this a chick or a dude or should I chop or not, is it ready?

Heck, some do not know the difference between a sativa and an indica and earlier I read a message where someone asked something along the lines of what vegging and flowering is and do they have to do it and how do they do it.

Any grower, new or not, should know those things before they even start to select a strain or strains.
Many new growers put the cart before the horse. They purchase some strain or strains that they know little to nothing about that is accurate and factual and that might very well be a poor choice for their setup, which is likely a Rube Goldberg ghetto grow setup.

Then they attempt to pop them and when they have problems they start a thread saying I did this, what did I do wrong and what the hell do I do next?

That or they rip the breeder and or seedbank they bought their gear from a new one even though the problems they encountered were of their own making.

Then with each and every following step all the way through harvest they start threads asking what’s up with my plants, what sort of problem is this, how can I remedy it and what the heck to I do next, do they look ready for harvest, how do you dry, what is curing and is it worth the time to do it, etc?
Many responses they receive are far more of a hindrance than they could ever be helpful.
Then there is what might be my all time favorite question … I am growing some bagseed, here’s a fuzzy pictures of it, what strain is it?

With like over 2,000 known strains, some that share the same name but are genetically different, plus all the unknown strains created by hobby/basement breeders plus all the accidental strain creations by growers and hobby/basement breeders plus those totally unknown crosses that happen in the wild with the help of Mother Nature and how in the world does the person asking the question ever begin to believe that anyone could possibly even come half close to accurately guessing what is being grown?
Someone on a site like this would likely have a greater chance of being struck by lighting and living on the same day they win a $400 million dollar lottery and have Keira Knightly begging them to marry her and then have her ask them if they would mind if the Olsen twins and Paris Hilton join them each weekend for a weekend long group romp in bed as they would have of being able to guess exactly what the bagseed plant strain actually is.
Only a true Ricky Retardo would ever even begin to consider too think about asking such a question.
When I began growing in 1972 there were no sources for such information and few if any locations for the equipment that is considered needed basic standard equipment today so we did have to learn by trial and error.
That is not the case today. New growers can educate themselves to a great degree before ever beginning a bean search and by doing so they can avoid myriad problems and their first grow can be successful and even successful beyond their highest expectations instead of it being the opposite like to often is the case.


Well-Known Member
i agree completely, hey do you think the olsen twins an paris hilton are busy this weekend? cause i totally think i could get them in bed...