Can you use halogen bulbs for indoor growing


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering if i can bring my plant in and use halogen bulbs to finish the flowering cycle.


Well-Known Member
i have seen that halogen will work if its all you have but they give off more heat than hps


Well-Known Member
it's the wrong spectrum, they get dangerously hot to the point of starting fires, read the grow faq, top left...


Well-Known Member
well i meen its not a powerful halogen light, i took a thermometer and checked the temp at 8 inches away from the bulb and yeah it was pretty hot, but at 13 or 16 inches away from it it seems just like room temp, i have a fan blowing in too to keep the room a little cooler. But i understand itz prolly not a good idea, so where can i get a decent bulb just to finish the flowering cycle? (gotta remember they r coming in from outside) What kind should i use? and what draws less power but puts out plenty of light for what im trying to do?


Well-Known Member
it accually seems like itz just bright enough to simulate sunlight. Could it work for a few days, atleast until i can get another bulb. I meen its better some light than no light at all right?


Well-Known Member
you are better of leaving the plant in darkness than using that dumbass light
your plant is gonna strech like a bitch


Well-Known Member
oh i forgot to say. while i was moving them in lastnite, i was putting them in my closet and i happen to have a relatively large piece of shrapnel that i saved from a home-made cannon project gone bad ( i meen very bad ), well anyway when i put the first plant in the closet the peice of metal fell right on the plant where the first y starts and it freakin butchered half the plant, i was soooooooo pissed. then i figured atleast it only took out half of it and i still have somehting to play with. Gimme a few mins ill put sum pix on here 4 yall


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't anyone plan ahead ? Why doesn't anyone want to use the right lighting, especially for flowering ? It baffles me.