Can you use lemon juice to lower ph


Active Member
Maybe a crazy question but I have to ask. Can I use lemion juice to lower my PH I have heard this may do it organicly, and if so how much to add? One more question while I am hear, I just bought a new meter to read ph and PPM, and not sure how to read the PPM's. My Hanna HI9813-6 gives me a reading of 6.6 ph, 181 ppm, .26 MS and temp of 21.7 c or 70 f. I know on the fertilzer it said to add 2 tsp per gallon so I did , and my PPM should be close, but the meter said 181 ppm what am I reading it wrong HELP!:weed:
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Well-Known Member
haha ya i think baking soda will work great and lime juice is perfect just keep dripping it into you reservoir and check it until it goes down to the desired pH


Well-Known Member
Vinegar will work just fine, as will lemon, lime, grapefruit, or tomato juice. The fruit juices, though, will contain some sugars in them. Baking soda and wood ash are two means by which to bring the pH down.

The amount actually required of each to bring about any shift in pH is ENTIRELY dependent on the alkalinity of the given substance. That is to say that alkalinity is not just a measure of pH towards base (a.k.a. alkaline) levels, but its RESISTANCE to changes in pH. Google "buffering capacity alkaline" and see what you get.


Active Member
Thank you for the advice, I thought I could use lime or lemon, etc but was not sure and I didn't know about the baking soda. Thank you again..Grow on Wayne.. Or was it Party on Wayne? Lol:confused::roll:


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the SHIT by the way. He needed to win so that this country wouldnt burn in hell. I was tellin everyone all about him where I live and no one had heard of him so I was like WTF vote for him!! I first saw him on the Colbert Report and that shit was fuckin hilarious. Did you make that quote up or did you find it somewhere because that is amazing.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the SHIT by the way. He needed to win so that this country wouldnt burn in hell. I was tellin everyone all about him where I live and no one had heard of him so I was like WTF vote for him!! I first saw him on the Colbert Report and that shit was fuckin hilarious. Did you make that quote up or did you find it somewhere because that is amazing.
8) My husband delivered the quote to me, much like RP delivers those babies. :D

:lol: Very glad you like it.


Well-Known Member
Don't just put it in your res dilute it first. And start small vinegar works too, as a acid. not taste . Add some H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide ) 37% 2 ml per gallon it is good for the water and roots.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Vinegar will work just fine, as will lemon, lime, grapefruit, or tomato juice. The fruit juices, though, will contain some sugars in them. Baking soda and wood ash are two means by which to bring the pH down.

The amount actually required of each to bring about any shift in pH is ENTIRELY dependent on the alkalinity of the given substance. That is to say that alkalinity is not just a measure of pH towards base (a.k.a. alkaline) levels, but its RESISTANCE to changes in pH. Google "buffering capacity alkaline" and see what you get.
Did you mean Baking Soda and wood ash to bring ph up?(acid=ph down/alkal=ph up?). I thought the Baking soda and Wood ash were used to raise the ph?.