Canada: Master Grower In Demand For Cultivation Expertise


Well-Known Member
yup, I agree. the rules the gov has for growing is so technical and regulated there is no room for a single issue.
by the look of it, a live soil will not pass testing, and that leaves these guys to run hydro or feeding plants on a super large scale. with 1 small issue in pppm or ph and there go a 1000k sqft room. x 10 + rooms and wow growing sucks. I think you need 1 master grower per room to watch growers or every few room and a top grower per room.
now if you have a huge mix of super soil and just added water you would have a way better and smoother run and better turn out, just no through HC rules and bs.
again it camn be done and majority of you only have ever grown in a bloom box or similar style rooms, there are at least 5 you tube growers running both hydro and organic in a 50x50 room and growing massive plants and are doing excellent, old mmar growers. that don't mean anyone an jump on board and grow. if you a horty back ground and have grown tomatoes in a large scale you will NOT be able to grow mmj! period.
that is half the problem, the lps don't have solid growers.
it can be done, you just haven't seen the best grows yet, tweeds master grower is a puts.


Well-Known Member
Im a sativa guy myself. Do you have a preference for any country of origin? I like north indian, nepal, and central african sativas.
i think i just go on individual maybe good for Happiness/Motivation the other some Shaman trip to Hades
there is such a plethora of differences with sativa's .so many strains so little time
i ike the viet ,thai and colombian i am doing now..the panama red and lambsbread i just may not be able to finish well enough
i gotta say some of the best Mexes of old did it for me..
thankyou for the reply


Well-Known Member
Some of the LP's have very small rooms, just lots of them. Their issue isn't size, it's a lack of skill. None of them hired anyone who knows how to grow, just idiots who grew ornamental flowers and shit.
Tweed has one of, if not the largest flower room in north america. They also have a multi million dollar budget. If it was as easy as everyone thinks they would and should have dialed it in by now yet their quality is still mediocre.
They sure throw alot of money at the wall. You would think they would be atleast improving by accident.

I never said that large scale grows couldnt be successfull just that they cant be expected to produce as high of quality product for the costs of a smaller scale grow.

And this article is raving about how this one guy is an expert going from one lp to another. The problem is all the guys that could pull off high quality in large spaces are already doing it except they keep all the profit. Thats what keeps the cc's in stock etc


Well-Known Member
Tweed has one of, if not the largest flower room in north america. They also have a multi million dollar budget. If it was as easy as everyone thinks they would and should have dialed it in by now yet their quality is still mediocre. They sure throw alot of money at the wall. You would think they would be atleast improving by accident.

--their master grower is a produce master grower, not a pot grower......... failure

And this article is raving about how this one guy is an expert going from one lp to another. The problem is all the guys that could pull off high quality in large spaces are already doing it except they keep all the profit. Thats what keeps the cc's in stock etc

--bingo! you said it, the killer, large room growers are not with lps, they are growing mmar.
that means, maybe the right lps can do it in time, and finding the right group of colarado growers. or others with experience doing huge rooms, it an be done.
just these ritch lps hired food growers and no one with real growing skills in large scale let alone closed enviro with co2 and ppm and ph and temps and hights of lights, that's way to much for a food grower or rookie to handle.


Well-Known Member
Please...everyone wanting to buy lp weed please click the link....above
This is what mmj does not look like......

c ray

Well-Known Member
to be fair it was actually 3 out of 5 stars.. realistically 5 stars should barely be used, should be only the best of the best of the best.. like restaurants and hotels..


Well-Known Member
3 fucking stars for that? This is getting more shameful by the minute. Get customers to go online and give a good review...get a discount on your next bag of shake? Nice way of working around the non-advertising...
Where the fuck is Raving Rona in all this?
I hope to dance on the ashes of all LPs


Well-Known Member
I used to go there and post bullshit reviews like that for shits and giggles. No one on that site knows shit about good weed. Bunch of high school kids and noobs talking about how great Tweed is. Looks at this bullshit

Looks like dog turds:


Well-Known Member
You folks should really give Tweed a try. Their weed is probably the best I've ever had.
at what $/gram are they selling their shwag at?
Why use shwag meds when you can grow the best yourself for less than half their price?
That questions really plagues the whole deal here.