Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!


New Member
Well I'm now proud to say that my buddies dad is hooking me up with some Blue God and Burmese Kush clones for outdoors this year. Yippy!!!!! lol
I've been waiting to get ahold of some BuKu, now I don't have to order the seeds anymore, I get the clones for FREE!!!!!!!!
When is everyone putting theirs out? I'm waiting for the 1st week of June to throw mine out


now i dont know what to say to convince you that i am not...

what feminized seeds would you guys recommend for ontario? something hardy, early finishing, mold resistant...etc


redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Dragonsmoke here.... Outdoorsman from Canada.

I am germing some Black Kush seeds as we speak. I'm super stoked too! I always start by using a light box till its about 10'C outside at coldest which is usually mid to late april. And a second round in June to finish by early September.

Last year was rainy towards the end there but I still did well with my buzz berry plant.


And then

Thats 1 Plant!!!!

BTW Jedi If I catch you around my plants there's gonna be trouble boy! BIG TROUBLE!!!:cuss: em scared now!!..he he ha ha...everytime someone sees a Cesna overhead this summer there gonna think its me coming to snatch there crops.....

and since when is it still 10 at night in mid April? dude check the calendar....thats only a couple weeks from now!!!


can anyone help me buy some early strain feminized seeds?

i was looking at early skunk by sensi, kaya gold, and hollands hope by mj


Well-Known Member
Lots of questions about what strain to plant in southern ontario. Ive planted Endless sky from dr greenthumb for the past 2 years and been thrilled..I can get 1lb per plant if i give them some good attention..big holes make a HUGE difference. This is serious weed, your not leaving the house after u smoke this stuff. Just check out his website he bred these plants for the Canadian climate..despite what he claims endless sky clones dont finish until the first week of oct, seeds do finish by late sept. Dont complain about the price of his seeds they are worth every penny..After a couple of hits of endless sky I cant feel my feet let alone find my fucking shoes...its great stuff.

This year IM growing Dr greenthumbs NIAGRA, JAZZ, and of course ENDLESS SKY. I am also going to grow some CRITICAL MASS from mr nice seeds as well, but i am pretty worried about bud rot with such a big indica. If anybody has grown Critical Mass outside i would love to hear about it.

Enjoy, Te lilman


Well-Known Member
Lots of questions about what strain to plant in southern ontario. Ive planted Endless sky from dr greenthumb for the past 2 years and been thrilled..I can get 1lb per plant if i give them some good attention..big holes make a HUGE difference. This is serious weed, your not leaving the house after u smoke this stuff. Just check out his website he bred these plants for the Canadian climate..despite what he claims endless sky clones dont finish until the first week of oct, seeds do finish by late sept. Dont complain about the price of his seeds they are worth every penny..After a couple of hits of endless sky I cant feel my feet let alone find my fucking shoes...its great stuff.

This year IM growing Dr greenthumbs NIAGRA, JAZZ, and of course ENDLESS SKY. I am also going to grow some CRITICAL MASS from mr nice seeds as well, but i am pretty worried about bud rot with such a big indica. If anybody has grown Critical Mass outside i would love to hear about it.

Enjoy, Te lilman
I'v got 10 endless sky's and a new strain of his called "the dope". It's not on his web site. He told me it was his biggest yeilder and is still a potent strain.

I'm having trouble with germing the endless sky.They barely poped with the paper towel method after 3 days and I put them in potting soil under cfls.I have 6 as I sold 4 to a friend.I'm hopping that at least 3 will survive so I can clone from them in about 6 weeks.
Did you ever have problems germinating the Endless Sky?


Active Member
I've had a 'runt' in a small cup for a month and a half now, no room left under my lights for a bigger pot for it, looks like a torture victim, won't die though. I've had it in my clone box for a while but took more cuttings today and the box is full. I thought about tossing it then decided fuck it I'll see what happens to it outside. I doubt it will survive but the 14 day trend looks good and like I said this plant is one tough little shit, wish it luck.


Well-Known Member
Almost anything will grow outside, obviously most will do better inside. Feminized or otherwise.

Hoping my Black Kush will make it a happy Late summer/fall.

started some now and a few more in 3 weeks or so to see what happens.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
lol...easy there internet gangsta....wouldn't want ya to get too excited an accidentally pop a cap in your own ass....


New Member
Crop theifs are the scum of the fucking earth, I admit I took a crop before, but I was a shit head of a kid when I did it. Not a grown adult, and now know the time and patience and effort that goes into it. For someone to come and rip that off, makes you a piece of shit.
I actually went and gave the person that I ripped an oz, a couple months back and apologized, about being a little shit back in the day. They were very grateful, the oz was nothing compared to what I took, but still..........and now we're cool as dirt.


Active Member
I took a crop when I was a kid and had two guys show up at my house about three days later. Ever had a red hot piece of metal about an inch from forehead. It wasn't even the guy we took from though, And we got it taken from us by someone else lol. These guys measured my tires, took my shoes, made me show them the plants (which had already been taken from me) I now play hockey one of the guys but it has never been brought up. They were going to brand Fieldwalker into my forehead. Not worth being a thief