Cannabis Cigar


Active Member
Hey there everyone,

Hope you are all well....
I'm a big fan (as i'm sure you all are) of a big fat spliff....

I was reading up about Cannabis Cigars ...check the link :bigjoint:

Basically, the ultimate... Made from leaves, oil and bud...

Has anyone here ever had or made one? (or even better, have pictures?)

I'm going to try to make one when my grow is finished in a few months...

Hopefully people can post any pics or experience and we can talk about this shit!


Well-Known Member
Ill give that a go ! (if i could arsed wouldtake awhile, so i guess mayybey give it ago depends ifi get motivated enough !)
You should make one and post it up...then ill give it ago~ lol


Active Member
haha yeah it is a lot of effort....

once all the resources are together i'll try put one or two together...few months off that though...
just imagine how satisfying it would be to smoke one that you made a year earlier....haha the fine wine of the spliff world! (note: there is no way i could leave it a year without smoking it! :)


Active Member
Seems like a lot of effort for a cigar.

yeah, it's definitely a lot of effort.
could be worth it though...
I just think it is an interesting idea.
I've only seen illustrations of it, was hoping someone using this site might have actually made one...
maybe the effort would pay off, maybe not,
regardless, it's a pretty cool idea i think