Cannabis Plant Look Healthy To You?


Well-Known Member
Hey it's been a while but these plants are pretty big now but they have started to get yellow leaves lower down which is becoming a huge worry! what should i do? or will it be okay..

I left them at my friends for a while and he used fertiliser on them so perhaps its a nute burn?

i had them evaluated by a friend who said it needs potasium he thinks..

and i personally have a feeling it may have spider mites because i noticed spider web on some leaves but i havent found any tiny spiders on it as of yet so i dont know! :/

heres some photos of the two sexy plants ;) hehe



Well-Known Member
pretty good, and up against that wall like that it gets extra hot in direct summer sun, keep em watered.


Well-Known Member
Hey it's been a while but these plants are pretty big now but they have started to get yellow leaves lower down which is becoming a huge worry! what should i do? or will it be okay..

I left them at my friends for a while and he used fertiliser on them so perhaps its a nute burn?

i had them evaluated by a friend who said it needs potasium he thinks..

and i personally have a feeling it may have spider mites because i noticed spider web on some leaves but i havent found any tiny spiders on it as of yet so i dont know! :/

heres some photos of the two sexy plants ;) hehe

View attachment 1335006
Looks a bit Nitrogen deficient. Just feed it a dose of fertilizer and watch it to see if it greens up. Your affected leaves may not recover but the new growth will be healthy and plant will green up and look healthier in general. Otherwise it doesn't look too bad.:weed:


Well-Known Member
See i'm not sure who's advice to follow here..
1 person said "Looks like a nute burn, just lay off the nutes for a while."
2nd person said " Needs some potassium by the looks of it. "
3rd person said "
Doesn't matter what the deficiency is in this scenario.
Buy some nutrients for whichever stage of growth it's in plus some calmag.
Feed the plant. Problem discontinues/reverses."

and now your saying "Looks a bit Nitrogen deficient. Just feed it a dose of fertilizer and watch it to see if it greens up. Your affected leaves may not recover but the new growth will be healthy and plant will green up and look healthier in general. Otherwise it doesn't look too bad."



Active Member
Lower leaves turning yellow first indicate N (nitrogen) defficiency. I doubt it is nute burn because the tips of your leaves would go first. Run some nutes that are high in N and you will see a difference in about a week. No joke.

What 420 said about the roots is also correct, however I don't think it is the cause of your yellowing lower leaves.

Trust me on this one,
