cannot figure out whats wrong with my girl "check included pics"


Well-Known Member
I CANNOT figure out whats wrong with my girl. Her newly formed leaves close to the top of branches have a brown tip on the VERY tip of the leaves. Then a few weeks down the road as the plant has grown a bit about 40/50% of those newly formed leaves fall off. So the problem im having isn't necessarily the end of my plant as we know it, but i want her to be healthy. There are green leaves on the ends of my branches and about 50% of the rest are somewhat healthy with small browning on the tips.

Now for some info and pics.

The plant is in its 2nd week of flowering and 5' tall/ 3' foot wide
She is planted in a 10/15 gallon pot
Watering procedure is as follows

plant is flushed once a week with pure water
Watering is every other day "the soil is dry before i water"/ one day will be pure water and the other will be a mixture of 1/4 diluted mixture of miracle grow bloom plus and water. A week before flowering she was transplanted into a larger pot to prevent any possible future rootbounding.

The stems of the plant are also a darker color on the secondary ones and the main stem is still healthy. All buds are still forming perfectly fine with no abnormalities

and if anyone is curious, the strain being grown is Super Silver Haze feminized and is on a 12/12 light schedule. Temps during the day are around 85 degrees during the day and 75-80 during the night. Humidity varies from 70%-85% daily.

now picture time:

View attachment 1039770note: this is the pH readout of the meter "varies from 6.8-7"

View attachment 1039771note: this is the fertility readout of the meter
View attachment 1039772note: as you can see the buds are forming perfectly normally "picture taken at the end of 1st week of flowering schedule"
leaves 1.jpgnote: this is the most extreme case of the browning of the tips of the leaves "most leaves have nowhere near that amount on them"
plant problem 1.jpgnote: here is my baby in her entirety, if you look closely you can see the browning im talking about




Well-Known Member
quick note...tomorrow i will go out to the grow site and take newly updated pics. these are a week old but same problems still exist.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I don't see how if you water that regularly that your soil could ever get dry.

The soil needs to dry out a few inches deep at least, those roots need oxygen.

Also, you only need to feed your plants every week or two.

Back off on the food and water and I'll bet you'll see a huge turn around.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
looks like a little nute burn, ive seen that sometimes with cal-mag but ive never used miracle grow. have you foliar sprayed with anything?


Well-Known Member
well where i live everything dries out fast.. should i wait until my leaves' stems start to droop from dehydration "the angle at which they come out the stem lowers closer to the ground" and then water? and also im changing ferts to once a week starting tomorrow because of the flowering phase and sticking with some molasses "no pun intended" ; D

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
well where i live everything dries out fast.. should i wait until my leaves' stems start to droop from dehydration "the angle at which they come out the stem lowers closer to the ground" and then water? and also im changing ferts to once a week starting tomorrow because of the flowering phase and sticking with some molasses "no pun intended" ; D
You must live in a very arid region.

No, you don't want to let them droop, you really want to keep them a good medium moist.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
It almost looks like light or heat burn. I've seen indoor plants look like that if they've grown too close to a hot light. It also looks a little bit like some pictures I've seen of a Phosphorus deficiency... It's hard to say since I've never had one personally myself. If you think you have a nutrition deficiency but are on a budget, you could get Shultz regular plant food and feed your plant with it. It has all the micro-nutrients and costs less than $10. The ratios aren't perfect for marijuana, but it'll cover almost everything you need and the ratios are pretty good. You can feed your plants about 7 drops of Shultz per gallon of water (1/4 the recommended dosage).

This page had a bunch of people post pictures that seem similar to yours in some way. Maybe some of the information would be useful to you:

This page has more pictures of marijuana symptoms you can look through:

Good luck!