Canopy thickness for Blackstar Chrome 270w


So first grow, I'm pretty sure I've over veg'ed. I have lollipoped to an extent, but I'm not sure I've gone high enough, as the canopy keeps moving up an inch or two a day... So basically I've got a really thick bushy canopy. What is the deepest canopy that the Chrome 270 can effectively penetrate?



El Superbeasto

Active Member
By the looks of that light, there are 2 reds, 1 blue, and 1 white. Not nearly enough spectrum to successfully finish a plant.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
I would recommend to look for better LED lights.

I've dealt with Blackstar, they are mediocre, a step above cheapo Chinese LEDs, but many steps below good quality LED panels.

The best thing you can do, is look at current LED grow journals, and see which lights are doing best.

Old journals will show you how good those LEDs were at the time. New journals will show you how good current LEDs are now.

There's plenty good current journals right here


Well-Known Member
By the looks of that light, there are 2 reds, 1 blue, and 1 white. Not nearly enough spectrum to successfully finish a plant.
lol what the hell are you talking about? Then you link the entire LED section like the OP hasn't obviously already found it? Not to mention how many journals are on here with same/similar lights getting awesome results? Please stop talking out of your ass for everyone's sake.

To the OP, your light is fine and will provide you with some awesome smoke if used properly. Are growing a scrog?


Haha, leave that guy alone, I was trying hard to give him the opportunity to be positive.

I am growing a bog! :-o

I am growing a few plants of different ages. I've lifted a couple of plants up to the level of a couple of older/longer veg'ed plants to create a somewhat consistent canopy. But the canopy itself now has a robust thickness. I'm going to go into flower today (finally) and am concerned that I'm going to be a popcorn maker on the bottom half of the these plants, ie should I push the lollipopping further up the plants?

I've read of the chrome's intense light/beam angle and am looking for information from someone with a little experience with the chromes as to whether the chrome will sufficiently penetrate, to get down to the lower buds.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha. I don't have any experience with the chromes but the grand scheme of the modular design is about the same across the board with the newer panels it seems. I usually cut around 30% off the bottom to avoid popcorn. It's fairly easy to tell how much your light is penetrating just by looking at the growth. If you trim a bit off and see that there are still some obvious popcorn buds around the bottom, make note and keep trimming until you get results. After long you'll know what your light is capable of in your situation.

Rather than trying to slap a dedicated number on it, there are many other factors to be taken into consideration that will vary from grower to grower. Would probably be more worth your time to experiment on your own IMO.


Thanks! Chrome should be here today, was just trying to prep for its arrival. I will let you know what kind of results I get. I've got a variety of genetics in here, one of which has the thickest bushiest leaves... we'll see if the light can get through there...


Have setup the Chrome 270w, and it is very likely that my canopy is way to thick (as well as too many plants in a too narrow space). I really did veg these plants too long, did a bit of trimming to loli, but not enough apparently. Also did nothing to really shape these plants. I understand the importance of that now. Live and learn. Will see if some supplamental side cfl can help bring some light into the dark dark undercanopy.


Damn phone...

My indoor plant under the Blackstar is crazy, bigger with way more trichomes, looks like the sugar fairy visited. Far more than my out door plants. My out door plants do have better nugs lower down the plant.


Well-Known Member
if my outdoor plant was doing better than my indoor plants , I would ask myself some serious questions. That doesnt mean your light is good, but I am sure it's good enough. I know I grew some frosty shit with my blackstar but I never managed to get big buds out of it. I was pleasantly surprised with how little popcorn buds I have had lately with my lights. like trevronious said, see what happens with this grow, dont stress over it, if you got lots of popcorn bud just throw it in your sugar leaves pile for hash, and take note of how deep your light penetrates. good luck


Active Member
Hey, I'm interested in this chrome, blackstar is making a big deal out of it. how is your grow area? can u upload some photos?


Hey, I'm interested in this chrome, blackstar is making a big deal out of it. how is your grow area? can u upload some photos?
No, can't upload. The space is 2x4. The Chrome that I have leaves the edges of that 4 foot dimension pretty shaded. I was using cfl's on the sides to fill in that area. I think to make the most out of your chrome, you've really got to control the shape of your plant. I think the right genetics plus a sog or a scrog or at least some lst would be best for this type of light. This is my first grow ever, so there is a lot to learn for me. Definitely way way way over vegged which ended up farking me totally.

Well-Known Member
I have the exact same light, Blackstar Chrome (6 spots). It draws 158w. My cabinet is same size, 2x4 but I only use this light on 1 side (2x2). I have 2 girls under this light on day 23 of flower. I am very happy with the results so far.