cant determine male /female first post pls help


male or female and if male on them ( 2 diff plants ) any way to ensure more female friendly grow next time without buying altered seed ?2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg1.jpg


Active Member
I would say full on dude. Let a couple more daze go by before you chop just to be 100% certain.


Active Member
Wow... hate to say this-- but you need to check your grow conditions- cuz those seem to all be showing as males!!!

YES_ it is pre-determined in the genetics of the seeds- but 80% or so of all seeds have a recessive Hermaphrodite gene that, if the conditions are "off", will trigger the Male/Hermie gene- and since the male genetics show faster than the female- you "See" the male parts first... many of them, if you do not cull them, will later also get calyx's....

How did you sprout/veg these? What temps/lights/soil/nutes etc... Lets try to get you on track with an all Female grow!!!


I know right crazy thing is i was trying something new but i thought they had decent conditions. I grew on a desk in a aerogrow pro 100 but inserted dirt lol it has 2 brow lights on top used bottled water on them and miracle grow. never really had a issue with males till then . i only toped once on each plant for stress only thing i did different was use aero grow bowl to plant in . had fan on em also. and miracle grow in veg phase like always used expanding pete pot things for sprouting .


And also A note these were all the ones that blew up and reached light first other ones are still half the size is it true males get bigger faster could the smaller ones be mainly female . any is myth true about males getting bigger faster


Active Member
Tips for maximizing female:male ratio~

During the first 2 weeks, increase Nitrogen, decrease potassium.
Keep your grow room on the cool side of the desired temp range (70*F)
Keep humidity on the higher side of the desired range (~50% I think)
More blue light
Fewer hours of daylight (18/6 veg)


Well-Known Member
What he said /\. I would wait a little longer to be sure, but looks like the 3rd is a male. In my experience the males do tend to grow a little taller and lanky faster than fems


i did 18/6 during veg and everything im using 2 grow lights that came with a aero garden pro 100 and humidity is around 50 % had fan on them so temp range was good. question is increase Nitrogen, decrease potassium is there simple ways like adding potato peelings or like some vinegar or something i am really try just to maximize females and yield with house hold stuff . onlything i have really bought was dirt and it was miracle grow root health stuff. And someone said mixing fish rocks with soil would help promote stronger plants ? any help is appreciated thanks .


And will over topping or leaf pruning turn a male ? i try to keep over growth down so light can access newer growth.


New Member
i think sex is determined while the embryo is forming. good news is that males will show first, and then the ones that are "late bloomers" are usually females.