Cant get the spiders off! WTF do I do?

I was watering today and discovered the little bastards are back!:confused:I got some baby girls about 1.5 months back and they came with spider mites so I started with a soap, moved up to neem and it just made these mites cough a little and laugh. Pyrithium AND neem came next, and they died but the eggs hatched and... :? Then my buddy got me some floramite and it seemed to work. (Had bleached the room each time also.) Now its been 2 weeks and there they are again.?:evil: These genetics are F-in amazing and I dont wanna lose it. Any help would be awesome! They went to flower the day of floramite...


1st post here, so Hi :) I haven't grown yet, but read a few years ago, that a tabacco solution helps to disintergrate the mites abdomin (stomach), maybe you could get some baccy and mix it with hot water to make a weak solution, strain it, and spray the plant, a friend of mine did this a long time ago and it worked.

Has anyone else heard of this method ?

and good luck
I hate spider mites with passion. The are very hard to get rid of in the high heat and low humidity area i grow in. To save you time, money, and many days of fustration here you go.
Buy an air conditioner or three. Get your temps down into the 70's.
Buy a humidifier or three. Get your grow room above 50%.
Ladybugs are a joke if you have an infestion. ie webs. Don't waste your money and time cleaning them up after they all die in 24 hours.
Neem oils (all types)and miticids will beat them down a little but they will come back. Ususally stronger than ever where you don't want them in your flower room. I still recommend using oils periodically for shine and leaf protection in your veg. room in case some how you carried one in on your clothes by accident. Will not get rid of an infestion.
Pyrithium bombs like neem only beat them back some - they will come back.
Have not tried preditor mites. No comment.
What works on infestion.
Floramite expensive but works- use in veg. spray everything leaves above and under, pots, floor, walls, etc. Kills them dead and eggs.
Hot Shot No Pest Strips- cheap can buy at Lowe's - will work if you have a sealed grow area. Takes up to 10 days to kill mites and hatching eggs, but will work. I wouldn't use late in flower though. Don't like the idea of chemicals in those nice buds.
Avid expensive - Haven't used, but have a bottle in case of another infestion. Don't want to use floamite back to back and create a supermite resistant to everything.
Mite free from the Desert Grower.
Ive got temps at 65F and humidity is 66%. Gonna try to find some predators sinse I have 2 G-13 to cut on the 8th. For my Moms and babies Im gonna get some Avid if I can find (but they dont sell in my state) so I can alternate that with my floramite. What about SNS217? I was told by a hydro guy itll work. Anyone tried this stuff?


Active Member
boil some water & chopped garlic, strain the garlic out & water plants...that'll kill the bastards :)
I was told yesterday to raise my co2 levels way up to toxic for like 4 hours with no fan on. Friend said it worked for him so Im tryin that today. Already used garlic and water with a tsp of isopropil 50% added. they laughed at me(the mites)... Thanks and ill let ya know how the co2 went.