Can't Remember How Long I've Been Growing

grow space

Well-Known Member
dont go below 26 watt cfls. also, more is better, get one more, and then when the even more bigger again one more ! surround that plant in time and it will pay you back good :hump:


Well-Known Member
dont go below 26 watt cfls. also, more is better, get one more, and then when the even more bigger again one more ! surround that plant in time and it will pay you back good :hump:
I agree, Dont forget to start a journal so we can stay updated


Active Member
your gonna need more than just one 26 watt, i would go for atleast 4 myself. Go to HD and get the bulb sockets and some bulb splitters. Check the picture out for reference. Also, what kind of soil did you use? i recommend using Fox Farm, either ocean forest or happy frog. Make sure your lights are on for atleast 18 hours a day.



Well-Known Member
Yea bro, I agree also, your going to need a bigger pot, that thing in the pic is some short, almost no room for roots, the plant can only grow as much as the roots do

grow space

Well-Known Member
you do not always need to get a bigger pot right away ! i have grown very nice plants, in small cups , and they where healthy and green ! it all comes down to experience !!!!!