Can't seem to figure out the problem.


Well-Known Member
So this being my first grow I've had these for a little more than a week almost two and I notice these two plants have problems. I have a total of three plants. Any help would be appreciated thank you



Well-Known Member
looks like theres a couple things going on, looks like a nutes problem, but more importantly that 2nd pic looks like spider mites, check under side of the leafs see if you can see like black dots or under a micro. at least 30x and if you see little eggs and or creepy crawly things i would take care of them right away.


Well-Known Member
I did notice some little bugs about 3 days ago so I've been spraying once a day when lights are off and organic pesticide I bought at my local hardware store. And I thought it may have been a cal mag def so I put some the previous watering cycle but didn't see much of a difference. Last watering was 4 days ago with cal mag nute. Today was just a regular water feed


Well-Known Member
I did notice some little bugs about 3 days ago so I've been spraying once a day when lights are off and organic pesticide I bought at my local hardware store. And I thought it may have been a cal mag def so I put some the previous watering cycle but didn't see much of a difference. Last watering was 4 days ago with cal mag nute. Today was just a regular water feed
Make sure what ever organic pesticide spray your using will take care of spider mites if thats what it is. I got a couple clones the other day that had spider mites and didnt have spray on hand and was in no shape to drivebongsmilie so i just gave them a water bath and lightly rubbed there leafs then a little soapy water bath and made sure the leaves where all sudsy and let them sit for 10 mins that way then another water bath to clean off all the soap, it strips the waxy skin and kills them. i will do this every 3 days for a week or 2. What ever you do make sure you respray your plants in a couple days, as the eggs will hatch every 3 days. Good luck man, hope it all goes well


Well-Known Member
Make sure what ever organic pesticide spray your using will take care of spider mites if thats what it is. I got a couple clones the other day that had spider mites and didnt have spray on hand and was in no shape to drivebongsmilie so i just gave them a water bath and lightly rubbed there leafs then a little soapy water bath and made sure the leaves where all sudsy and let them sit for 10 mins that way then another water bath to clean off all the soap, it strips the waxy skin and kills them. i will do this every 3 days for a week or 2. What ever you do make sure you respray your plants in a couple days, as the eggs will hatch every 3 days. Good luck man, hope it all goes well
Wow thank you that was pretty great info. I'll continue to spray with what I'm using right now, if it doesn't seem to work I'll try the method you use. But thank you all. Also I noticed the stems on some are purple. Is that normal? I know for a fact that the temperature is always 75-80. Or am I just worrying too much?


Well-Known Member
I had that same deficiency and I'm pretty sure it was a zinc or calmag problem, I repotted the plants and they immediately rebounded and are perfectly healthy now. Could be a pH problem locking out nutes, that's what I think was the problem with mine anyways. And good luck with those mites, I hate those critters!
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Well-Known Member
Yeah I just re potted them and added some perlite in the mix and the temps are always running 75-80


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just re potted them and added some perlite in the mix and the temps are always running 75-80
You're on the right track buddy, just keep a watch on those mites. If your not flowering I would suggest a hot shots no pest strip. I know many people would disagree with me, but if you use them safely and 2 weeks before flowering, they will kill all mites and have no adverse effects. It's not organic. But it works and it works the first time, period.


Well-Known Member
You're on the right track buddy, just keep a watch on those mites. If your not flowering I would suggest a hot shots no pest strip. I know many people would disagree with me, but if you use them safely and 2 weeks before flowering, they will kill all mites and have no adverse effects. It's not organic. But it works and it works the first time, period.
Hot shot hmm well I don't intend on beginning flowering in maybe 3 weeks so maybe I can try it but at least in in the right track. That eases a lot off my mind. As far as lighting is 400 watts hps enough for 3 plants or would I need more?

F.A Hayek

Active Member
Wow thank you that was pretty great info. I'll continue to spray with what I'm using right now, if it doesn't seem to work I'll try the method you use. But thank you all. Also I noticed the stems on some are purple. Is that normal? I know for a fact that the temperature is always 75-80. Or am I just worrying too much?
Purple stems generally means the pH isn't correct. I've noticed watering seedlings that if the pH isn't within the 5.6-6.2 ( rockwool / coco ) the stems will take on a shade of purple.


Well-Known Member
Hmm well the ph I give it is usually 5.5 or 6.0 I use ph up ph down. Temps always fine not too sure on humidity. Also as far te spider mite problem I did a spray yesterday. And today I decided to add something else. I'd figure I could use Lady bugs they seem I be eating those little fuckers.



Well-Known Member
Hot shot hmm well I don't intend on beginning flowering in maybe 3 weeks so maybe I can try it but at least in in the right track. That eases a lot off my mind. As far as lighting is 400 watts hps enough for 3 plants or would I need more?
400w is enough for 4 medium size plants. I've done 5 with a 400 and it was a bit too much, 3 would be ideal


Well-Known Member
400w is enough for 4 medium size plants. I've done 5 with a 400 and it was a bit too much, 3 would be ideal
Haha that's funny some of mines already have. And okay that good I just got another clone from a friend of mines, he said I should have four with the wattage I'm using. I guess great minds think a like? And as far as my humidity I'm worried about the humidity being to high for flowering stage. I don't have a carbon filter or any of that stuff yet currently on a budget so won't have in until a few weeks or a month tops. I'm using my own methods for ventilation and controlling the humidity.