can't sleep


Well-Known Member
I have nowhere else to grow but my bedroom, I have 2 1000watters blasting in my face all nite. I got up this morning and had kinda a sun burn. Mind u I like talking to my plants and giving them a drink. Can't wait till 12-12.


Well-Known Member
Lol, That really sucks. You should get a big cardboard box and put everything in there to reduce the light in your room so you can sleep.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
dursky.. you need to block the light.. IT is bad for your eyes to be in a room with that HIGH powered lighting...

There is a plastic product called VISQUEEN or PANDA PLASTIC .... it is sold at most hydro shops.. it is very easy top work with and hang... get it now..


pictures please :)


Well-Known Member
If nothing else hang some plain old black plastic around (but not close to the lights fire hazard).


sunburn? and your still going to sleep with them on? lol..


Well-Known Member
dude, you had to smoke a lot to sleep through the sunburn. and if you smoke enough to sleep through crackling brown paper sack????

Chronic AK

Well-Known Member
mines in my room, I have cardboard walls with a garbage bag on top to reduce the light. its a piss off but Im hopin it will be worth it when smoking my own:D

just try to contain the light best as possible


Active Member
that's the craziest and maybe one of the funniest things i've ever heard. you actually have 2000 watts off lighting blasting you in the face while you sleep. I would give you and E for effort but that just sounds fucking retarded!

good luck if your serious i'm sure it will be worth it.


Well-Known Member
k day two was ok I had the covers over my head and a vent hose going under my blanket. I have a tape running of jungle music. I had to get up in the middle of the night and was afraid at first but then saw my babys and all was well.:spew:
90 days to go


Well-Known Member
dude day 2 and you have 90 days to go!?>?!??!?

loll i like the hammock idea faded.... i think ill put one in my shop to hang out in there more...

i have 2kw running in mine right now and i coudnt imagine a full nights sleep ever happening in there but hell i was thinking about another tray in my room too but i figured panda plastic and thumbtacks with some real good duct tape along the top and edge...

hold on did you route a vent fan into your bed?!?! wtf are you smikin cuz i want some.