Caramelicious Grow

Since I am a little more experienced now, I am going to take another shot at growing Caramelicious. The first attempt resulted in one female which ended up getting infested with spider mites, before I knew what spider mites were. It yielded under an ounce, tasted like N, but did provide about 40 seeds. I think we learn all about mites, N overdose and light leaks after our first grow.

Anyways, now that I create my own clones and could eat off of the floor of my flowering room we'll give this delicious species another go. Feel free to comment and provide any suggestions for CARAMELICIOUS only! I am using Humboldt's Organic line for the first time with this grow.

Does anyone know if this strain generally grows tall or short? Now, sit back and enjoy the show. Week 2 Veg

I just noticed a small anomaly, one of the leaves on my Caramelicious is joined together giving it an oak leaf appearance. Interesting indeed, although only my 3rd grow I have never seen nor heard of this happening. Any input?
