cardboard box is it Good for a Grow Box


Active Member
hey i got alot of big boxes and i wanted to kno if any one out therr ever used this method plz leave info here....thank you:cuss:


yes..ive seen it done quite a few times as long as it is well ventilated however you would want to line the box with something so the box doesnt fall apart from the moisture
...also, only if its large enough...what were the dimensions?
and also agree with ^ and the mold part...if it was well lined, maaaybe!


damn thats a big box...well, if your going to use a box then it would be a wise decision to line the inside so the cardboard cant hurt your plants. (white also)
what type of lighting?..CFLs?
cfls would be best to reduce risk of heat with the cardboard


Active Member
Anything can be done. Its just a matter of what you want to do to MAKE it work. I've seen things grown in "waredrobe" boxes that I'd sell all my clothes for! LOL

I suggest prepping the box first by lining the ENTIRE inside with mylar. Then work on getting your ventilation propperly setup.

A mess load of CFL's would work just fine for such a modest setup.

Good luck with the setup and make it work!


New Member
You can do it if you want, but it will be a mess of trouble.

My suggestion is to find free wood. Look through Craigslist (in the free stuff section) and you will find plenty of people throwing out furniture like old desks and whatnot. There's your free wood.

My main apprehension against cardboard (besides fungus and toxic death to your plants) is that hanging enough lights above the plant to grow anything worthwhile will cave in cdboard after a while, even good cardboard.

But hey, where there's a will, there's a way.