caregiver change


Active Member
My mom is gonna change her caregiver to me so after we mail in change form and 10 bux how long till I can grow and hos long till I get my card and does she have to tell old care giver she changed him or for they let him kn:-Pow? ?


Well-Known Member
Somebody with some legal sense will have the proper answers. Certain places that offer meds take that form as legal once it is signed though. I believe if both parties are already legal, there isn't a grace period or whatever they call it. As far as how long for the card, good fucking luck. Some have said a few weeks. My first card took 5 1/2 months, my renewal has taken 2 months so far.


Active Member
Her renewal due in December how long once its mailed can I grow do I get a Peter in mail saying I'm good do I gotta wait for card someone know??


Well-Known Member
As far as i know you can start growing right as soon as check is cashed and Glad i beleive that LARA has to inform old caregiver of change within 48 hrs but i personally would do the right thing and tell the old caregiver first as well


Well-Known Member
I had to wait when I was transferring a new patient from someone's card over to mine... took little over 5 Mo. to get it all over and done with...(this was be4 the cards started speeding up).. plus I don't grow for anyone until I get a hard card in hand


Well-Known Member
Personally I would wait until you receive either the card or the official approval letter you get before the card comes.


Well-Known Member
Waiting makes sense, but then you have to take into account how incompetent our state is and realize that some people do not have the luxury of waiting six months for a 12- month card for plants that take 3 months to grow!!! How the fuck do you plan around that?!


Active Member
Ya its dumb how long till approved letter tho any1 know her card expires in December my luck ill get card 1 month before expires


Active Member
You don't get a letter saying you're approved. I all the sudden got my card in the mail and that is your approval. You are fine 20 days after the check clears so says the act. Dispensaries will say its 21 days and turn you away.

As for her switching caregivers, why wouldn't you wait until you already have your card so you can go over there and claim the plants that are hers so you already have a start. Actually if you don't have your card and wont for another say 17 days, how can she transfer it to you when you haven't even been approved? Not saying you won't be, but you should have waited.


Well-Known Member
Sign the papers, rock n roll. You are both legal and the change of caregiver form says nothing about length of time. When that form is signed I would start plants. I you want to wait a week for good measure then cool. But they sure the fuck can get a check and cash it within hours.


Well-Known Member
This is your Mother - make sure you are not going to bring heat on her if you screw up.
This is not a game - I'm not saying you think it is - I'm just sayin'.

There is a very sick person behind all of your motivation - make sure you don't make it worse for her.
I should be taking care of someone like your Mother with my skills and product.
But I'm not into the responsibility of it all and I feel I could become unreliable and that is unacceptable.
If I screw up my crop it's on me and I can handle that.
If I screwed up a patients meds I would be very distraught; so I don't go there.

Food for thought.
Good Luck and Godspeed for your Mom.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
You don't get a letter saying you're approved. I all the sudden got my card in the mail and that is your approval. You are fine 20 days after the check clears so says the act. Dispensaries will say its 21 days and turn you away.

As for her switching caregivers, why wouldn't you wait until you already have your card so you can go over there and claim the plants that are hers so you already have a start. Actually if you don't have your card and wont for another say 17 days, how can she transfer it to you when you haven't even been approved? Not saying you won't be, but you should have waited.
worst idea ever! you should definately not walk up in a caregiver's house saying I want my plants expecting to walk out with plants. that's crazy! When I was a caregiver (patients SUCK!) I only had 13-15 plants for all 5 people. if one assbag showed up saying I want my mommys plants they'd meet hellfire and an ass-kicking because all 12 would be mine and the others would be one of the other patients that are not her. point is she owns no plants dude so don't try and go get them for a jumpstart and if you balls-up and do try that I'd come at him/her real humble and with low-ass expectations. "just sayin'"


Active Member
worst idea ever! you should definately not walk up in a caregiver's house saying I want my plants expecting to walk out with plants. that's crazy! When I was a caregiver (patients SUCK!) I only had 13-15 plants for all 5 people. if one assbag showed up saying I want my mommys plants they'd meet hellfire and an ass-kicking because all 12 would be mine and the others would be one of the other patients that are not her. point is she owns no plants dude so don't try and go get them for a jumpstart and if you balls-up and do try that I'd come at him/her real humble and with low-ass expectations. "just sayin'"
They are the patients plants. I'm not saying to expect getting all 12 plants, but if you have 15 plants going for 5 people, then 3 of those are hers. If she asks for them, she is entitled to them. "just sayin"


Well-Known Member
I have always gone by 21 days from mail in date, that is what I was told by my doc.
Just keep all the proper paperwork until you receive your card.


Active Member
Just to let sum know her current caregiver not growing never is he got card used it his advantage to carry weed that's all n it was her x.boyfriend he don't know how to grow he tried 4 times and kills the plants by over watering.