Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES


Well-Known Member
Bascily I was contacted by an old friend that is being ripped off by her so called caregiver. She provided her recommendation at the beginning of the year and also invested $1000 to help with expenses, and even after 2 indoor harvests and now outdoor harvest she has recieved less than an ounce and nothing from the outdoor harvest. Its really sad, she was diagnosed with MS last year and I just cant stand to see this happen to her. For the time being Ive supplied her with plenty of medication so that is not really the issue, I just dont know if theres anything I can do to apply some leverage without physically harming this douche bag. I wonder if she filed some sort of civil lawsuit if it would even be taken seriously or would the courts just laugh and say too bad cause you smoke MJ. If anyone out there knows what the best way to help resolve this situation Id be extremely appreciative of your advice. Plus rep to any and all who respond, no one should be ripped of like this, let alone the serioulsly ill. Thanks in advance to any responses, Peace!


Well-Known Member
why would you pay anything. find a grower/caregaiver who charges nothing, and asks for nothing and only donate if they dont do so


Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty uncaring "caregiver".. Like mentioned above, pull the caregiver status away from him, or tell him you/she wants 4oz's within the week or she will pull the status..


Well-Known Member
Sweet thats what I was looking for, something to hopefully have some sort of leverage againsts this far as her paying upfront, she just trusted this person she had known for a couple years and really wanted to help in the process, Im sure he said he needed help or something. Takes a heartless bastard to do that to someone in her position, but thank you guys for responses, I'll try and post what ends up his name up here on the forum...take care, peace!


I'm glad you're helping her. It's difficult to understand how someone could behave that way but then there are people like you who tip the balance back to the good side.


Active Member
Ok Friends, I see this and get very heated at the fact someone is being ripped off. Bud is just that, BUD. I took $200.00 at the beginning of the year from another patient and she received a pound from one nice little plant. (Not to mention I do a wonderful vegetable garden too and am very generous.) I have heard of some of the idiots out there that take advantage of disabled and otherwise needy person. Marijuana has taken me off of Paxil antidepressants and other backup drugs. A miracle