Cash to blow


Hey guys

I've found I might have an unexpected windfall heading my way, and I wish to invest it into my grow operation.
What I currently have:

4x4 Tray in 6ft tent
600w HPS
60L Res w/ necessary flood and drain equipment
Big ass fan (could run two or three of the tents I currently have on one fan) with carbon filter

2x4 tray in 3ft box (preflower/veg)
400w MH
40L Res w/ necessary flood and drain equipment

prop box, heat mat, CCFL clone lighting etc etc.

I run canna flora, H2O2 and calmag (I use rainwater) throughout my grow, and PK13/14 in week 5. I use STG loose fill in 4 inch pots

My budget is about AUD$3500 (US$3650), so I was wondering what you would do with the cash in the same situation.
Remember I grow SOG style and I am extremely happy with the nutrient mix I run. I'm more looking for equipment and tents, light upgrades and such. Something I was looking towards was an automated monitoring/maintenance system like Growtronix, I'm also having problems with humidity and temp in summer, so this budget can extend to environmental controls as well. Considering some tool stole my motorbike over the weekend I was thinking some security like reinforced doors or cameras or deadlocks would be great.

Don't worry, I'm not asking for you guys to do my work for me. I have a rough idea of what I could spend a few grand on, my initial thinking was upgrade to 110L res, 1000w HPS, and then get another 3 flower tents with maybe another fan/CF. Then I thought of how much work a 2week harvest interval would be, as well as heat from the lights and how to dry such large amounts of green. This is where advice from you guys with experience outside of closet grows will come in handy :)

Thanks guys, dont' mind how long winded this is, I'm smoking some purple wreck atm and I'm flyyyyying


Well-Known Member
KISS! KISS! KISS! Electronic shit? C'mon, man.

You mention heat and humidity - tackle that first. Properly. No bag of bollocks treatment there. Then add lights - duh. More light = more pot. After that resupply yourself with your consumables, add containers for the new lights (note the plural) and place a big seed order. Save some for the shit that happens daily.


Well-Known Member
i habe run a sealed room op for years with no fancy control systems. just not needed. get what you need first, then get what you want.


Well-Known Member
get 2x 1000w hps with cooltubes, use the 400 for vegging and mums and get a cooltube for that to, get some more trays and run a4 tray rotation over 8 weeks. Most important investment for maximum weight--COOLTUBES.


Well-Known Member
Build a drying room with a humidifier and fan. A AC for summer. A humidifier/dehumidifier what ever you need to fix your humidiy problem. So I would use the money fixing the problems you know you already have. Then deside what to do with the rest. Maybe a big ass dog to bite the nuts off the bitch that took your bike.