

Active Member
Anyone ever try to grow catnip? My cat is always going into my grow area so I thought I may as well give her something to enjoy while she's in there.


Active Member
I have no idea where to get the seeds from. Do you guys think that the catnip that pet stores have will have seeds in it?


Well-Known Member
I grow cat nip outside I have big clumps of it.. My cats love it..They also like Cat Mint just as good. I bought the seeds at my local garden center. Many places online will sell seeds also.Its easy to grow.Cat Mint comes back each season..So only have to plant that once..Cat nip is iffy for me here often it does not come back after a cold winter and I have to plant new seeds.. This site has the seeds
Catnip Seeds, scarified catnip seeds


Well-Known Member
some pet stores sell this shit that is supposedly catnip or very grows like grass. I saw it in the petsmart not long ago it comes pre just plant it and grow it much like an herb, dry it or give it to the cat freshly chopped. My cats love my grow room too only i try to keep them out of there because i have a purple velvet vine/plant that is poisonous to animals if ingested :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever try to grow catnip? My cat is always going into my grow area so I thought I may as well give her something to enjoy while she's in there.
you should try to teach your cat not to eat anything in your garden. What happens when you run out of catnip, That weed is lookin mighty tasty, LOL.


Well-Known Member
Catnip is easy to grow. It produces lots of tiny flowers.
If you cut the flowering tips it will keep blooming all season.
It is very invasive and will take over beds if not held in check.
My kitty loves it. She would lounge around in the bed like a doofus.
Here is a bed I put in this past summer....



Active Member
I'm growing my catnip in a turned up cookie container from the local grocery store bakery. Filled the container about a 1/2" from the top with soil and perlite mix. and sprinked a few seeds over it dry. tossed a little sphagum moss over the top of the seeds to light ly cover and poured about 1 cup of water in it. grown under 2 CFL's (26w) in my white open face bookshelf. after about 4-6 days you should ave a few 'lings showin' their bright green faces. water about twice a week. they do good in light, well darined soil.


New Member
Ye i never got my Catnip to flower last summer
but bugs sure dont like to eat it becuase you have to rub the leaves to relese the smell !
You can get catnip seeds at like Canadian Tire as far as that goes
or Home Depot


New Member
PetSmart sometime sells catnip already grown in little pots. They also sell cat grass which is actually wheat grass, grows in nice ornamental clumps of you plant it outside.

Walmart sells catnip seeds, when they put their seed racks out in January check for it there.