CBD for for:

the gnome

Well-Known Member
severe degenerative osteo-arthritis.
It started 8yrs ago and it's at the point can't walk without a cane.
chronic pain and have used a variety of opiates, tabs-percs 10s and theynow only make it bearable
if eaten in 2-3 or 4 within a few hours,
morphine, the same, makes it bearable unless eaten in doses that put me down unable to do much.
di-hydromorphine-dolada's are the best but it's hard to get em.

about CBD oil Ive heard some good things personally,
not a review from a bone cancer patient that's almost unbelievable.
she said it made here pain free, she's been taking hi dosage oxy's
what's a good starting dosage for CBD oil?
Ive got 300mg on order, it in 10mg gel tabs