CBD? Is it part of your meds?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how many here grow high CBD strains for their medical needs?

I've found it much harder to find a high/pure cbd, NO thc strain than really high thc strains. I need the thc myself, but my wife wants cbd without getting high, and other than the candida strain, which I'd have to order online and risk my money, I don't even know anyone who has anything like it. I say "know" but I mean of the people I've talked to online...

I'm not looking for handouts or anything here, I am just wondering why high/pure CBD genetics seem so rare.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how many here grow high CBD strains for their medical needs?

I've found it much harder to find a high/pure cbd, NO thc strain than really high thc strains. I need the thc myself, but my wife wants cbd without getting high, and other than the candida strain, which I'd have to order online and risk my money, I don't even know anyone who has anything like it. I say "know" but I mean of the people I've talked to online...

I'm not looking for handouts or anything here, I am just wondering why high/pure CBD genetics seem so rare.

Simple answer is there is no money in it. Many cannabis growers are in it for the money not the medicine.


Well-Known Member
As said there is very little money in it for the little guy. Large companies have the CBD market on lockdown and it is nearly impossible for a small person to even break even on it.
I have 2 packs of that Candida-1 I hope to get to at some point.

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
for pure CBD you want the legal hemp crap

for a mix, I've been eyeing the cherry wine F2 plant on greenpointseeds . The commercial businesses cant sell this because its got some THC in it, and it claims almost 25% CBD as well.

this seems like a plant you're interested
as for a market, it would seem there is only a market for the cannabis CBD strains that have some thc in them, and not doing hemp cbd because it's already commercially being produced much cheaper than any of us can make it (unless doing it for free outside in the sun!)

cherry wine f2 https://greenpointseeds.com/greenpoint-seeds/cherry-wine-f2-seeds/

pretty sure Gu ships to canada and I've seen people confirm receiving their orders. Maybe I am wrong though.


Well-Known Member
helps for many things but goes hand in hand with the other 300 plus cannaniboids.
this ONE THING DEAL is the problem with PHARMA


money talks ans the truth gets buried.

CBD from HEMP is not the same concentrate as whats in regular Herb..HUGE DIFFERENCE!


Well-Known Member
for pure CBD you want the legal hemp crap

for a mix, I've been eyeing the cherry wine F2 plant on greenpointseeds . The commercial businesses cant sell this because its got some THC in it, and it claims almost 25% CBD as well.

this seems like a plant you're interested
as for a market, it would seem there is only a market for the cannabis CBD strains that have some thc in them, and not doing hemp cbd because it's already commercially being produced much cheaper than any of us can make it (unless doing it for free outside in the sun!)

cherry wine f2 https://greenpointseeds.com/greenpoint-seeds/cherry-wine-f2-seeds/

pretty sure Gu ships to canada and I've seen people confirm receiving their orders. Maybe I am wrong though.
Hemp CBD is trash just like Greenpoint and Gu.
But hey thanks for stoppin by.....

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
helps for many things but goes hand in hand with the other 300 plus cannaniboids.
When we first went medical and were ordering from the LP's she was using the CBD oil, and it worked great for her fibromyalgia, but we don't shop there any more :) I'm growing C.B.Dream but it's 1:1. I realize PURE CBD isn't what we're looking for, that the mix of the many cannabinoids add up to good medicine...

for a mix, I've been eyeing the cherry wine F2 plant on greenpointseeds
I think I'll order a pack of these on Friday. The price is right, and the shipping is reasonable unlike some I've seen. The description sounds interesting too... Thank you.

Simple answer is there is no money in it. Many cannabis growers are in it for the money not the medicine.
You'd think that will all the years of legal medical pot here in Canada there would be more varieties. Remember when all the LP's used to say how they were in it for the medical users, not because it might be legal for recreational use some day... I suppose I can understand the commercial growers, but I sort of wondered why the medical growers and breeders (personal medical use) aren't exploring this more.


Well-Known Member
Your wife could probably get good relief by juicing it, fresh. No high but good medicinal value. My wife also has fibro and a few herniated discs. We have a masticating juicer so we are going to give it a try and test it for efficacy. I will make a post about it this week.


Well-Known Member
they combine them now so they can prescribe MORE DRUGS ..Theyre fucked with their thinking behind this crazieness

oh bother..


Well-Known Member
Your wife could probably get good relief by juicing it, fresh. No high but good medicinal value. My wife also has fibro and a few herniated discs. We have a masticating juicer so we are going to give it a try and test it for efficacy. I will make a post about it this week.
What is it you juice? Buds, trim, shake?
The THC doesn't get you high because it isn't decarb'd, I understand that...
Other cannabinoids, such as CBD work without needing to be heated?

I look forward to your posts... this might be an option...


Well-Known Member
A few things on the subject:
  • Farmers can now grow female plants with high CBD in their field with no fence or security measures if the THC stays below a very low threshold. This is making farming CBD much more popular - there's over 100 acres of "female hemp" growing near me and it's all sanctioned and approved.
  • I previously purchased all my CBD from Pharmabee.biz, but you would have to reach out as they've been "closed" for a while now.
  • I purchase my CBD from Spectrum (Tweed) now - it's the only thing I get from them but it's been great for reducing inflammation and helping me sleep through the night with a bulging disc in my back. Costs me $2 a day to take a pill before bed every night and it's worthwhile for me.
    Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 11.15.08 AM.png


Well-Known Member
stop that

truth is YUO CAN MAKE IT FAR BETTER WITH LESS POISON AND CHEAPER!:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:
but for what ever reason you chose to think otherwise
get off the LP poison shit Odd one PLEASE
promoting it is like pushing poison on people unknowingly

stop promoting LP shit its against the law dude


Well-Known Member
stop that

truth is YUO CAN MAKE IT FAR BETTER WITH LESS POISON AND CHEAPER!:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:
but for what ever reason you chose to think otherwise
get off the LP poison shit Odd one PLEASE
promoting it is like pushing poison on people unknowingly

stop promoting LP shit its against the law dude
I would agree with you, except that it's so easy for me to order these and they're working.
When I die from the poison, I give you permissions to tell everyone how I died.


Well-Known Member
i grew high cbd little or no thc..for me it was terrible..i felt like crap..tasted great was sticky ..loser

have another one..its obviousl got thc in it..but the overall feel of itnisnspecial and awesome..i am gonna try it again

very fast onset..very happy ,euphoric..not long lasting

will try againt onig tosee if it still has the same effect

.yes i kept the clone ..the other one ..good bye


Well-Known Member
I don't actually mind THC at all - I take THC capsules all dayand I smoke the highest THC strains in the evening.
I just wanted pure CBD to add right before bed, as the THC tends to get me wide awake and my wife was tired of me bumping up against her at bedtime.