CFL 1st time Grow Feedback Welcome!

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
the little ol plant is growing so nicely. a new set of leaves just about every other day. they are a bit droopy though. i'm probably underwatering it cause had a bad experience with overwatering. finally a seed that i put in a cup of water last night cracked. i put in paper towels until i get a tail. fingers crossed,hoping that it will sprout when planted. thnx to all for all the comments. they are greatly appreciated through my adventure.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I started my cfl grow about 2 weeks ago. One plant is 5 days younger than the other, but plant A (the older one) is now 9.5" from leaf tip to leaf tip. Its about 3" tall, so its really short and bushy. I will post pics for you, but I figured Id just wish you a good luck!

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
thnx FT. i really need it.

hey snipe,thnx for posting. your plant sounds like it is doing good. short and bushy, maybe an indica. i thought mine was,but now getting taller. it is about 5in tall and leaf tip to tip is about 6in. g/l on your grow.

thnx fot the advice mtm. my tap is well water, no clorine and its not hard. doing good so far. oh yeah it sat out awile too. thnx man


Well-Known Member
i feel like i have to say im on my first grow and have 4 girls indoors and 6 outdoors and have killed about just as many or more males and they were all germed in tap i've never had any trouble with sure its not the best idea but as far as i've seen it doesnt hurt...good luck


Well-Known Member
If your tap water is PH'D it is as good as any distilled water. The chlorine in my tap water dissolves in less than an hour sitting un covered, I add my nutes first PH raise it to 6.8 and check it the next day before watering to be sure. I check using a pool water test kit (the red drops) If your anal you could boil it for a few minutes and then add nutes and PH it. Mine seem to be doing just fine but I dont know shit im just a crash course horticulturist

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
well my plant is at another setback. a few days ago i decided to add 2 more cfl's w/ the reflectors. temps were getting in the mid 90's , and the leaves have folded like a upside down taco and some leaves twisting in a spiral. i turned the 2 lights off. temps the past 2 days have been 79-81º, no change in leaves. it hasn't grown in 5 days, so thats why no new pics. i had another seed germed. been 5 days and no sprput. so to say,i'm pretty bumbed. well maybe by the weekend things will be better


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that dude.. sounds exactly like what too much heat can do.. HOWEVER, I'm almost 100% sure that if given due time and proper love you will certainly be able to nurse your plant(s) back to life with no problem..

Good luck Cannibal,


Well-Known Member
I have successfully germinated seeds in tap water but just don't water your plants with it when they sprout it causes yellow tips. I think you may be having the problem I did when I had problems germinating seeds. I think their may be too much water and you may be drowning your seeds, I hope this helps because a soon as I used less water I started seeing taproots GL.:joint:

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
I have successfully germinated seeds in tap water but just don't water your plants with it when they sprout it causes yellow tips. I think you may be having the problem I did when I had problems germinating seeds. I think their may be too much water and you may be drowning your seeds, I hope this helps because a soon as I used less water I started seeing taproots GL.:joint:
yeah i think that may be the problem. i've been through alot of seeds. thnx


Well-Known Member
Hell ya man I felt too stupid attempting to geminate 12 seeds and only 3 crack. And the other thing is when you see that little white taproot put it in soil asap no questions asked and then cover the top of what you have it in with some saram wrap to create a green house effect and that keeps you from constantly misting the soil and drowing the seed GL.:joint:

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
hmmm well plant is not good. temmps only getting to mid 80's usually low 80's . it might have grown a little but leaves are so twisted that i can't tell. any other reasons that the leaves would be twisting, not enough light or water. or is it just the heat? leaves aren't browning, just bent like a taco and twisting. thnx

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
well from the comments and some extra research i have determend that the problem was do to heat stress and underwatering. since temps are down and a good watering the leaves aren't cupping and twisting as bad. growth has returned. thnx to all who have commented this.


Well-Known Member
Great News man,

Very glad to hear that the plants have started to recover.. I'm the type of grower that subscribes to this type of watering **Keep in mind this is just MY OPINION..nothing written in stone** I tend to "over water" my plants on a watering day.. Then water them usually 3 - 4 days later.. I like the ideas of getting a good feel for the Weight of the pot when fully watered then just lift them up daily and you will notice the difference. Some growers go so far as to use a scale to get super on point.. I think that's a bit anal, lol but to each their own.

Maybe can we see some pics ?!?!

Keep up the great work Cannibal, and come out of the shadows a bit more :)