CFL Grow 2 Ganesh + 1 Fem Hash Plant Haze


Active Member
Ok so quick update. So far my feminized hash plant x cannalope haze is above soil now, just waiting for the shell to drop. One of the ganesh has sprouted and already dropped it's shell. The ganesh seed that hasn't popped yet definitely swelled up and should show it's taproot by today or tomorrow. I will get some pics up in a couple hours.


Active Member
Ok so quick update. So far my feminized hash plant x cannalope haze is above soil now, just waiting for the shell to drop. One of the ganesh has sprouted and already dropped it's shell. The ganesh seed that hasn't popped yet definitely swelled up and should show it's taproot by today or tomorrow. I will get some pics up in a couple hours.
Have you ever grown the Hash Plant. Just the name alone makes my mouth water along with the Canalope . High yielders ? Short growers what ?


Active Member
i havent grown it before but it is a 70% sativa 30% indica cross and it's supposedly to yield 450-500g per m2 under a 400w hps after 4 weeks veg. even though its mainly a sativa base its not supposed to grow as tall as most sativas. i am pretty pumped to see the outcome of these grows. once they are put into flowering i am going to add a 400w hps. my plan is veg 1 ganesh for 4 weeks and take some clones off of it and keep the other ganesh veg'd for 6ish weeks. as for the hashplant haze i am planning on keeping it veg'd for 4 weeks and take some clones from it also.
Right on, I'm subscribed to this as I'm interested to see how hashplant haze grows. I have my first hashlplant haze fem seed going right now as well.


Active Member
so 3 days later I planted my 2 ganesh seeds and 1 fem hashplant haze.

1 ganesh sprouted and is beginning to show a little purple in hopefully (her) new leaves. ganesh is growing faster than the hashplant haze

1 fem hashplant haze sprouted shortly after the ganesh. growing quickly but slower than the ganesh

still waiting on my other ganesh seed to sprout. hasnt shown any signs of a taproot yet but hopefully will soon.

my germination was to soak them in a shot glass in a light proof container under a hot laptop until it sank. then place right into the medium 1/2 inch into soil and place in warmest part of the grow room.



Active Member
yeah after i put them in the shot glass i went to the mandala website to read about the ganesh strain and found that out too. i was like shit hope i didnt fuck it up. i tossed em in soil as soon as i could. they sprouted pretty fast none the less.


Active Member
yes, i mixed in a small amount of hydroton to help with aeration.

Woke up this morning and my other ganesh sprouted and caught up with the other one.


Active Member
the hashplant is growing steadily, a little slower then the 2 ganesh. I am going to get some pictures up tomorrow so we can see the week's progress. The ganesh(es) seem to have a little bit of purple coloring in their leaves and stems, the hashplant is definitely a sativa dominant because you see the difference in the leaves compared to the ganesh.


Active Member
first i will start with the bad news: my fiance's cat (tate mctot), thought it would be nice to roll around on the floor next to the stealth grow desk, and shorted out the power throughout our whole apartment. so i had to place the seedlings onto the windowsill so they could atleast get natural sunlight while we waited 3 hours for the maintenance person to fix it.

ok so, this is the next update 4 days after 2/3 seeds sprouted.

the 2 ganesh seedlings are growing strong and fast; no problems as of yet.

my hashplant haze (hph) seems to be growing quickly and strongly, but not as fast as the ganesh.

pics from left to right:
first baby is g1 last one to sprout
2nd is g2 fastest germ'er
and 3rd but definitely not least is the hph, you can definitely see her thinner sativa leaves.

the 2nd pic is another of the "grow desk" i added a 20oz poland spring water bottle with 1/2 water 1pkt of yeast and a whole lotta sugar to add a little co2. the greenish tubing is to help evenly distribute it among the babies.

possibly today i am going to get some more yeast and mix up a new bottle, as that one is from the last grow and a little old. also going to replace the tubing with a balloon.

edit: even though its a smaller setup, temps are always between 75-79F and current humidity is approx. 40%


That sucks about the temporary move, no thanks to Mr. Mctot! lol. I understand what it's like to have pets get in the way of grows. Our two cats eat anything they can get their paws onto. This is why I grow in a room with paw proof locks! Plants are lookin good :)


Active Member
all three plants are growing strong and healthy.

the 2 ganesh are still growing faster, hopefully this doesn't result in 2 male ganesh (knock on wood).

still giving them just plain old poland spring water which has a ph ~6.5.

maybe start with very small nutes starting next week.

edit: that seedling picture (5th one) was accidentely attached.



Active Member
all three plants are growing strong and healthy.

the 2 ganesh are still growing faster, hopefully this doesn't result in 2 male ganesh (knock on wood).

still giving them just plain old poland spring water which has a ph ~6.5.

maybe start with very small nutes starting next week.

edit: that seedling picture (5th one) was accidentely attached.
Won't be long before they start shooting up and outwards