CFL grow-65w Fluorex upgrade? timers?


Well-Known Member
Im going to be doing an all CFL grow as soon as I finish my cab and my research (more than 2 months now). Ive already received 10 femed WW seeds from nirvana. Im only going to be growning 2 at a time with a rubbermaid to grow my clones and other seeds. I want to have a continuous grow.
I went out to "deeps" and got 2 outdoor 65w 6500k flood lights. These will be above the 2 plants. 4 27w CFL's 5500k (per plant) will provide the side lighting. There will be multiple 27w CFL's in the corners of the box also.
My question for the lighting is, Can I put a 85 or a 105 replacment where the 65 is?

Also Ive been reading that I cant use a mechanical timer with these. Is it true?



New Member
If your light socket can handle 85-105 watts.Buy a brooder lamp,they can handle more watts, than a regular socket,and they come with a reflector.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to him. The bulbs that came with it are not self ballasted and need the housing to power them. You can't buy a new socket and have those bulbs work in them. I would just use the bulbs you have and I'm sure they will work fine.

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
you know what. this cfl bs is getting to me... Im getting a 250 switchable... Ill start with cfls..ha


Well-Known Member
250 watt switchable works great man check out my grow to see some results with it. I also started with CFL's

Tom :leaf: