
Active Member
Hey everyone. I have been working on a grow cab for the past month. Shit has been kinda slow, especially funds, so its taken longer than expected. I promised pics a while back on a different thread but shit was going so slow I didnt think you wanted to see a half assed shit cab. But now this babe is done. With all of the main components installed, it is ready to be put to use. It isnt 100% yet but its functional. As always, feel free to give your input on anything that you feel that might improve the cab. Anyways ENOUGH WORDS. On to the pictures.

Here is the box. It is a vanity I got off Home Depot with plywood to cover the top where the sink should go. It was cheap and not too big which was perfect.

These are the lights I got so far. Those are (2) 30W 5000k CFL's on the bottom. The ones on top are 14W.

I got 2 PC fans for ventilation. I hooked them up to a 13.5v adapter so they blow some good air. Probably will get bigger ones in the future but for now this is what I have. I got one for intake one for exhaust.

A nice thermometer I got from Home Depot. It comes with a hygrometer too which will come in handy.

Spare bulbs that I have are another 14W and "big daddy", which is a 68W. Originally I wanted the 68W to be my main light but I am not too sure of how. I will explain further with the next picture.

This is what I got for my lights. Just a regular power strip. Now the problem I am having is that the power strip has 5 outlets. But the 68W is really big. Its not just long its wide too. So in order for me to be able to fit the 68W and the (2) 30W without compromising grow space, they have to be horizontal and they are quite close to the top of the box. I am afraid that the heat from the bulbs could ignite the wood or something. If I'm being stupid please let me know. I would just rather be safe than sorry until someone with a bit more knowledge than me can instruct me.

So there you have it. That is my box. Another thing I have been considering is that the walls need to be painted flat white. I am too broke to afford mylar, and the Home Depot over here doesnt stock mylar tape (which is surprising as fuck to me, I mean, ITS HOME DEPOT) But due to my lack of funds, I cant buy the paint just yet. I just want to know if shit will work like this for the meantime. So far I just have 1 seedling that just sprouted yesterday so reflection SHOULDNT be that big of an issue.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment and happy growing!


Active Member
No it won't burn the wood unless the wood is 100 years old lol. Looks good to me so I guess u can start growing but for flowering stage u need 2700k bulbs and for veg the 5000k will work. What kind of seed u have and go ahead and grow away :)


Active Member
Yeah, I have these for now, but the 2700k are on the things to buy list. As for the seeds, due to my almost nonexistant budget, I just have bagseed. Or should I say BADseed. These are the worst condition seeds I have ever seen but at least 2 of them popped. One never sprouted and the other one is doing pretty good. Popped out of the soil in a day, now its in the process of breaking the seed shell. I might help it out a bit if it doesnt break it off today. Ill be making a grow journal soon so stay tuned!


Active Member
K ill check out ur journal I got a journal 2 I have 1 seedlings and 2 that I just planted.

And 2700k yes u need them here they have them at dollarama for a pack of 2 = $3

Don't over water as some first growers do.

Also thr best music to play is classical I do about 6 hours of iy everyday and u can see the growth :) all i use is bag seeds to and they work awesome for me. Remember u need the right nutrients to and the right PH in ut water I just use tape water and it works


Active Member
LOL home depot has it you just have to order it online
you just have to pick it up at your local store
also remember you have to keep your babys close to those cfl lights to grow right
also with your exit and intake fans well its your first box it will work fine but later on you should look at changing where you placed them you want your exit fan up by the lights where the heat is so at the top and the intake at the bottom to bring in cold air and go up thro your plants it ot good to have them by their selfs bc your blowing air out and its just sucking some of that old air back in
but it may work for a while also is this just a box for seedlings and young plants or are you doing the whole grow?
if your doing the whole grow then you should just do 12/12 from start and skip the 18/6 veg so your plants will be short and have bud in 2 months not 3 or 4 months like most just only thing is you its hard to get a clone of those plants from 12/12 from start
are you using bag seed or some good strains if its a good strain i would look into buying another box for just a mother plant you could cut clones off and put in the other to bud for 2 months


Active Member
K ill check out ur journal I got a journal 2 I have 1 seedlings and 2 that I just planted.

And 2700k yes u need them here they have them at dollarama for a pack of 2 = $3

Don't over water as some first growers do.

Also thr best music to play is classical I do about 6 hours of iy everyday and u can see the growth :) all i use is bag seeds to and they work awesome for me. Remember u need the right nutrients to and the right PH in ut water I just use tape water and it works
so you have a DTS meter? to test your tap water to see how many ppm are in it?
where i live its up in the 300s and i have to use filter water or when i would use my nutes i could burn my plants and music mhmmmm i just play some when im down there but ive never left it on ill have to try it out some time thanks for that info but classical idk if i could stand that lol


Active Member
Yeah, I fucked up with the fans. But it can easily be fixed by just gettin another plyboard panel. It was a precut segment only 4 bucks. Ill do that when I get the bigger 120mm fans. I am planning to do the whole grow in this box. It is only 31" tall so I was planning to do some LST+SCROG to make the best use of my space. Sadly the seeds are mediocre badseeds. I dont know the genetics yet but the seeds refused to pop i could only pop 2 of them and one hasnt sprouted. But yeah man the plan is to use this box for flowering and make a separate, thinner box for a mother. But right now my landlord is on my ass about the light bill even though the last one was like 60 dollars. Hes a bit of a cheap ass xD

EDIT: I personally used bottled water.


Active Member
so you have a DTS meter? to test your tap water to see how many ppm are in it?
where i live its up in the 300s and i have to use filter water or when i would use my nutes i could burn my plants and music mhmmmm i just play some when im down there but ive never left it on ill have to try it out some time thanks for that info but classical idk if i could stand that lol
i use classical cuz they say its the best for ur plants and rap is the worst and I had a seedlings and I put on 50-cent and it was dead the next day lol but classical mine grow like crazy


Active Member
i use classical cuz they say its the best for ur plants and rap is the worst and I had a seedlings and I put on 50-cent and it was dead the next day lol but classical mine grow like crazy
lol damn you should make a police report and say 50 cent killed your plants :p
ill have to get some classical cds for play player and just leave it one i have 2 grows ill have to do a test i no talking to your plants and smoking around them is good the love the co2


Active Member
Just give it about 1-2 days of music and ill see. I'll make a journal rap vs classical so ppl can see which one goes better


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Active Member
Yeah, I live in Puerto Rico. We got a fraction of what you guys have in the states or whats on the website. But I havnt checked walmart yet. Ill do that on my next weed run :D