CFL Housing


Well-Known Member
Okay so I plan to grow with CFL's and had this idea for keeping CFL's positioned at various levels inside a SoG or SCroG setup (either one matters only to some yet undetermined but unrelated to this idea factors). Obviously I want to get the CFLs as close to the foliage as possible without burning them and an idea struck my mind because I've been working a lot with some used spaghetti jars just large enough to fit over a 42w CFL.

Quitnessentially I'd like to paint the lid a reflective silver (to reduce light waste & heat production) and glue it to the socket (which I'll have to reinforce somehow to hold the weight of the glass jar). Then enclose the bulb in a clear glass jar screwed onto the affixed lid.

Q#1 How much light loss/heat production am I looking at from using even clear glass?

-IF- heat production is too heat too high then I thought about a 'water cooling' method with a fixture attached to the outside of the housing to run water in and out via a cold water bucket and pump with some silicone sealant against some plastic tubing to share some kind of fixture I can attach to the outside.

Q#2 Will thinner glass housing absorb less light/produce less heat?

I was thinking that if the housing was too small to prevent heat burn on nearbty leaves (which is the purpose of the housing...get the bulbs closer without risking touch & burn) then I could see a glass blower I know about some custom housings. Of course...while a thinner larger housing will be very effective at keeping the proper distance and reducing light absorption/heat production then it wouldn't need the water cooling system (that would risk hot/cold glass cracking).

Consider: I do plan to test the system with thermal monitoring of glass and any cooling system/breakage before I ever apply it to a grow system. I've a long enough way to go from application and growing experience before I'm ready to implement.

Q#3 would the benefit of being able to put CFL's pretty much right next to the stalk and up inside every corner of the plant increase production enough to make regular usage of this a benefit to CFL growers assuming a way of doing this in a cost effective manner that's consistent with the purpose of using CFL's>HPS situations?

My thought is that after the R&D is over with, a housing should cost (in today's market) ~$10USD (Maybe 5 in bulk from a custom glass source and 5 standard 2.50 bulk after/if it catches industrial production value). Given that you will apply it only to about half the bulbs in a given grow (the ones inside/underneath, not the overhead).

So consider that an 2'x8' closet with 16-20 bulbs will buy ~$100 in housing and receive a potential benefit of +1-2in. bulb closeness depending on plant density (SoG v. SCroG densities) and lumen efficiency.

Lastly. I'm thinking that the housing tip will act like a lens if shaped like a dome and should be blown flat and possibly silver-painted.


Q#4 does anyone know if there a mylar paint equivalent and various I should look for/consider for this purpose?