Cfl lighting question

Plants that are allowed to rest absorb light more efficiently. This means that keeping your lights on 24/7 might make your plants grow a little faster, but it will cost you 20% in energy bills for way less than 20% increase in growth. In the end, the most efficient growth/energy used lighting schedule happens to be 18/6. CFL bulbs are small and very efficient and the minuscule increase in your energy bill might not matter in the long run. In fact, with a small enough grow and over a short enough time frame, you might save money on not having to buy a timer.

TLDR; 24 hour schedule will have your plants grow the fastest, but at the cost of a higher energy bill.


Cannabis plants are categorized as C3. C4 plants need a rest period, C3 does not. I run my lights 22/2 and that's only to save some money. So, running your lights 24 hrs a day will increase the speed of your growth as the light is needed for photosynthesis. Let me link ya:

If you're planning on running your lights on a 20+ light schedule, try introducing CO2 into your grow area with numerous different techniques.