CFL newbie.


Active Member
they are the right spectrum for veg, but not for flower. You can grow under any amount of light. But the more light the better the yield. With that little light it would be a small yield


Well-Known Member
3 of those is enough to grow one small plant (1 or 2 week veg only). I would recommend a very small enclosure (1x1 would be fine) so that all of the light is contained nice and close. That is not the ideal spectrum for veg but it will work. That is the correct spectrum for flowering (the guy above me mixed them up). Keep them close to the plant - very close. More is always better.


Active Member
3 of those is enough to grow one small plant (1 or 2 week veg only). I would recommend a very small enclosure (1x1 would be fine) so that all of the light is contained nice and close. That is not the ideal spectrum for veg but it will work. That is the correct spectrum for flowering (the guy above me mixed them up). Keep them close to the plant - very close. More is always better.
thanks, I was hoping someone would correct me. I was not in my right mind when i wrote that


Well-Known Member
Yup i'm saying 1' x1' which is like 30cm x cm. It is very small but you should be able to fit one plant of this size into a 1x1 profile with enough light to produce nice buds.
This is a 1x1 area with ~90w of CFL in it:

Should be able to fit one of these in there:

Possibly two of these if you got em to grow nice and straight like this:

Generally you want around 5000 lumen per square foot (30cm x 30cm). Each CFL puts off 1200-1600 lumen for 4800+ lumen. Check the lumen ratings on those tubes and it should give you an idea of how large an are it will successfully light up. These plants averaged just under 1ounce each.


Active Member
Nice, are those done in that little space? Did you go 12/12 from start? What about heat from CFLs?

I wanna do a small stealth grow with CFLs, and a box that little would be perfect!


Well-Known Member
Are you set on a small grow? You can get a considerably larger tent for just a little more on ebay. Here is a 4'4'6.5' tent for $94. That's 69 euro.

Here is a 36"x20"x62" for $84.95.

Try and get a couple 6500k bulbs for the veg. You can use these durring the flower as well. I fully encourage a full spectrum (both 6500s and 2700s).


Active Member
Yeah, ima go as stealthy as possible. The telt from your links are a bit too big, i wanna be able to fit it in a corner in my closet so it doesnt draw attention even if someone would open the door.
I couldt grow a plant or 2 in the tent from my link right? with maybe 5 of those lights from my first post?


Well-Known Member
You could fit at least one and perhaps more plants into that tiny one. Five of those bulbs should work well for at least most of it. Might throw in a couple more at very end but they should do the job.


Active Member
Well, the light problem is over :)
Today i ordered 2 x 150W CFLs. That should do ok right? 2 bulbs for veg and 2 for flowering.
Im gunna fit them in the small tent vertically and have 2 plants in there. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
with good venilation CFLS are awsome u can keep them pretty close without bleaching just keep a breeze going over the top of the plants and they stay cool


Active Member
For airflow ima go with those computer fans, one in and one out. With the lights being setup vertically i wont have to worrie about tops getting burned i guess.

Does the 150W CFLs produce much heat btw? And Will having the lamps vertically gunna make my plants strech you think?


Hey man im growing in that little MINI homebox too! i got 1 plant in there, a skunk #1 from white label. it just sprouted this morning, i got it in soil with no nutes at the moment and will be doing 12/12 in a week from today, after the third week ill transplant to plagron bat mix and gradually use some hesi nutes. I will also be running cfls, 2x 65w 6500k and one 65w 2700k until it shows sex. after that ill add two more 65w 2700k until the end. We should start a Homebox MINI journal, what do u say???