CFL Watt Question, first grow plz help

Ok this is my first growing and i got a queston about the watt of my bulbs i got today, i got a large 68watt bulb with 2700k (i know its for flowring but i thought it be good for all a round light), and 2 27 watt bulbs with 5000k.
Im only trying to grow 2 plants, i just wanna know it i can grow 2 clones with this amout of watts, thanks for the help
Ya i got the one big one and the 2 on one socket, in a Y spliter, but im thinking of getting 2 more small light like the first, and after they get all big maybe some flo tubes for more light :)


Well-Known Member
You might want to get a few more 27 watter, it will probably be enough but like said above the more the better! I have grown a trained plant under 6x 20 watts that yielded between 16 and 21 grams!