

Well-Known Member
CFL's are compact fluorescent lights. They are fluorescent lights, but they screw into your normal everyday light socket. They use less wattage than incandescent lights, but produce light that plants can absorb and use for photosynthesis. They are a cheap alternative to metal halide and high pressure sodium plants. They are great for the beginning or novice grower, but after your first grow you'll desire an upgrade.


Active Member
i already have a hps light, i was just unsure of the term cfl. i heard those were not worth a damn for this use.


Well-Known Member
You are doing better than I at this point! They work, but just not as well as your other hid lamps. It takes a lot of 'em, and a lot of constant adjustments. This is fine with me at this point since I suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. I also suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. I adjust my lights several times per day, but I do suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder.


Active Member
so you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder..Ok well if my hps light goes bad and i dont have the 150 dollars to get one some cfl will get me by for a bit??


Active Member
sorry to just drop in, but out of finacial curiosity, could cfl's take the place of a hps setup in all stages of growth?


Well-Known Member
Yes, in the same way that a skateboard could get you to work. Just not as efficiently and not with the results you might desire.


Active Member
ok, cuz i am useing 4ft flourecents now and i know that wont work for flowering and im trying to find a cheap alternitive to the hps


Active Member
i myself have never tried cfl and have heard they are not worth buying. Im using a hps light. According to theconstantegardner this is what he uses and has no problems....


Well-Known Member
ok, cuz i am useing 4ft flourecents now and i know that wont work for flowering and im trying to find a cheap alternitive to the hps
how many plants are you growing? i just bought a 150w hps on ebay for 45 bucks, im just going to use that and all my cfls for flowering


Active Member
ok, well i guess that means im just gonna have to take another hit to the wallet then, but as long as its for the good of all-bud-kind i can live with it. Thanks for all your help


Well-Known Member
hey constantgardener nice analogy earlier in the thread about the skateboard referring to CFL's that makes the efficency of them very clear.


Well-Known Member
i myself have never tried cfl and have heard they are not worth buying. Im using a hps light. According to theconstantegardner this is what he uses and has no problems....

LOL, I never said I had no problems. It's a constant struggle working with CFLs. I adjust then every morning at 7:30 when the lights come on, and every evening at 5:30 (two hours before the lights go off). My girls will have growth spurts and shove their leaves between the twists of the bulbs. I'll find fried leaf tips at 5:30 no matter how I adjusted that morning. If I don't keep very tight spacing I end up with node stretching by 1/2" increments over that short of a period. No, CFLs are constant trouble and one I won't deal with after this grow. I'm going MH and HPS next grow-round.