Change flavor

I saw a random article was looking for thoughts on it..

Step One: Starve your cannabis of water right before harvest. You basically starve your cannabis of water for 3-4 days before the date of harvest so that your plant is extra thirsty.

Step Two: Create your Flavor/Aroma Water Mixture.You create a mixture of water and whatever flavor you're adding. I like vanilla extract, root beer extract, citrus flavors like lemon, orange, lime... Some like chocolate, banana, blueberry, strawberry, etc. Feel free to get creative, especially if you're growing lots of small plants and can experiement. Make sure to stir the mixture well. How much flavor/essence do you add? It's really hard to say what will work for you in your individual situation. As a general frame of reference, I've done a tablespoon of extract to five gallons of water to get good results. The resulting scent/flavor is subtle but recognizable. You may want to add more or less extract to satisfy your tastes.

Step Three: Water your cannabis with the mixture and let plants sit for 3-4 hours to soak up the water.You basically want the thirsty plant to drink all the water and become infused with the mixture. A thirsty plant will drink much faster than one which has been recently watered.

Step Four: Harvest the buds and dry/cure as usual while being watchful for mold. Because you're killed the plant, we're hoping the extract will not be processed by the plant and will remain as is. Be extra mindful of mold during the drying/curing process since the buds got a big dose of water right before they were harvested and are fat with moisture. Expect them to lose quite a bit of their weight and size as they dry (it's a sad but necessary truth of drying water-fattened cannabis buds that they will shrink way more than the grower wants). Mold during drying or curing is one of the saddest of all the crop-killers since you're so close to the end...


Well-Known Member
i like using ground bones, dried blood and bird poop...sometimes a fish emulsion

but my plants dont taste any different
am i doing something wrong?

hint hint
"Because you're killed the plant, we're hoping the extract will not be processed by the plant and will remain as is"

plant isnt dead its essentialy a cutting after chop. this is how the cure takes place... it will be "processed" is "processed" as roots uptake.. if allowed.

the writer should be slapped and never allowed to grow weed again. unless a troll post, in which case lemme invite some friends
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