Changing Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Right now i am using grow nutrients and i want to switch to bloom, once i drain the water out of my hydro set what do i do, should i leave my plants to flush for a week or something? or should when i take all the water out and refill it should i just automatically put the blooming nutes in.?



Well-Known Member
Hey mreverything,

It's a matter of personal preference to flush or not between veg and flower. I didn't flush, but changed my reservoir with my nutes in a transition formula ratio for a week with equal parts of my GH 3-part Flora series.

I also went total dark for 24 hours before going to 12/12. Don't know if it helped. Didn't hurt.

If your plants aren't nutrient locked then I would say that you don't need to flush before you flower. Then just flush the last two weeks before harvest.

Good luck.