Cheap CFL's in the UK


Well-Known Member
I was browsing through the site and I noticed this link: being spread around for cheap CFL lighting. Turns out I can't even message the buyer to ask if he could ship to the UK :( Because $22 is around 14gbp, which is bloody cheap. On Ebay UK 1 of these 45W bulbs come to 8gbp. which is around $12! Just wondering if any knows a cheap place to get some of the CFL's in the UK?

This maybe a lot to ask but I would wonder if anyone over in the US could buy some? and ship them to UK :D


Well-Known Member
I have honestly looked everywhere. :( The link I posted is the ideal price but it's just the case of getting them! It's so frustrating. Even on websites, I can't get them cheaper than 7-8 pound ($12)
I would be that many on Ebay will ship to the U.K., but my question would be will the bulbs work with the different power you have? I guess you could get a power converter too if needed Good luck


Well-Known Member
I would be that many on Ebay will ship to the U.K., but my question would be will the bulbs work with the different power you have? I guess you could get a power converter too if needed Good luck
I thought about this, but noticed most bulbs say 110v-240v since in the UK it is 240v it should be good. I also decided to just use 20W bulbs. Rather than the 45W. But one problem, I can only get 2700K. Would it be possible to veg and Flower nicely with only these lights through out her whole grow?