Cheap Hygrometer salt test accuracy


Well-Known Member
I picked up 3 of those cheap pet store hygrometers and wanted to test the accuracy of them with doing the salt test.
I could also use one of the 62% humidity packs but have only used the salt method so far.

I put all three in a ziplock bag with a cap full of damp salt and left overnight, which should read 75%.
1st read 74%, 2nd read 71% and 3rd read 70%.

I’m jarring and then trying to “burp” once they go over 62%. Does that mean when using them I should adjust accordingly and burp when they read 61% for 1st one, 58% for the 2nd and 57% for the 3rd?

I’m not sure how I’d calibrate them when it looks like a copper coil in the back.