check out this amazing sidewalk art


Well-Known Member
i remeber my art teacher showing us that first but iv never seen the other ones, pretty cool bongsmilie


when i first looked at some of them i thought they were sculpture... that is just awesome... man has some serious talent.. esp the mirror image of himself drawing one


Well-Known Member
That was pretty sweet. I would love to be high, then walk up on one of his pieces un-suspecting. I would trip balls.


Well-Known Member
I've seen stuff like this and I think that the artists are just amazing. I always liked that scene in 'Mary Poppins' where Dick Van Dyke, Mary and the kids jump into one of the pictures that he's painted on the sidewalk. But those ones look like you could just dive right into them... like the swimming pool. But I really liked the dead fly and the seal breaking through the ice.

I've always loved graffiti art too... those artists are vastly underrated.

Thanks... bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
gogrow- that looks like some stuff form the westbank or northshore? havent seen much of them uptown, except harsh and sike, but then again i havent seen the graf for acouple years down there. i actually lived uptown, and got into the graf alittle myself, never got put intouch with with great writers down there though. has great new orleans graf


gogrow- that looks like some stuff form the westbank or northshore? havent seen much of them uptown, except harsh and sike, but then again i havent seen the graf for acouple years down there. i actually lived uptown, and got into the graf alittle myself, never got put intouch with with great writers down there though. has great new orleans graf

you're in my area???


Well-Known Member
that stuff almost doesnt look real I mean real but not real the depth and shadows makes it really look like 3d, and not painted on a flat service dam that was nice
thank u veyr much