Cheese Journal (2nd grow)


Active Member
also thinkin about 1 or 2 days of no water and then 24 hours of darkness after flush. using no water for a few days will help the drying time, and use up what is left in the medium. the darkness is supposed to produce more thc, what do you reckon lad


Active Member
yer man that sounds sweet,wot i was gonna do was give it no food 2 days before i start flush so the soils dry,they will hardly have any food in so wen i put the water in they will suck it up like fuck....that will be a little boost to start flush


Active Member
do you do 1 major flush with phd water ( 3 times pot volume ) then just water as normal without feeding.


Active Member
no i clean out all my barrel n trays then fill the barrel up with water leave the lid open so all the shit evaporates i dont no wot its called
check it the next day do the ph then turn my tap on on my barrel an fill me trays then just leave it like that


Active Member
Looking good cappeeler09, nice array of buds you have yourself there man! very nice... How are those cheese looking now mate, some nice colas developing on them in the last set of pics.

also thinkin about 1 or 2 days of no water and then 24 hours of darkness after flush. using no water for a few days will help the drying time, and use up what is left in the medium. the darkness is supposed to produce more thc, what do you reckon lad
Sounds like a good idea :)


Active Member
havnt seen them for a few days m8
gonna have a look on sunday an take some pics
hope the buds r ready for overdrive
it took long for them to kick into flower properly


Active Member
alright cap lad hows your cheddar, mine are getting proper fat. started usin over drive 4 days ago, buds are bendin over with the weight had to tie them off with string


Active Member
i havnt looked at them for 8 days and i looked today and ther lookin decent but i expected better
wen i was lookin at them i found all kinds of mite it was bad on 1 of the top heads
so thats y i think ther gettin slow growth cos them little bastards r eatin my shit
i sprayed them up the other week and i thought i got rid
gonna deal with it tomorow

gonna put some pics up later m8

any pics of yurs

post some on my journal


Well-Known Member
nightmare cap, did u find out what types of mites they r ? i had mites appear towards end of grow and they turned out to be fungus knats,=budrot, i doubt they are mate but best to be conscious of then jus in case :)


Active Member
no i didnt no ther was different types
what do they look like,bud rot is the last thing i need
ive got a microscope so am gonna check them out properly tomorow wen i spray them
i had them wen my plants wer in veg and i sprayed them a few times and it looked like they went for a few weeks
now ther back the little fuckers