Cheese Vs. Haze -- Different Growing?


Hello Everyone,

Quick question. Recently done a cheese grow, which turned out pretty good for my first time. Now, I'm looking to run a haze grow. Friends tell me that growing cheese is a lot easier than growing haze. The haze needs more attention etc., to get a good result. Any truth in this? If so, what kind of things do I need to keep an eye on etc.?

Thanks for any advice and pointers. Appreciate it.


am currently growing super lemon haze...only thing i have to say is; it takes a long time to flower, damn!

on the other hand, no special extra treatment..i find it kinda easy..haven't found any problems yet..knock on wood!


Cheers Freebull...yeah, I know it takes longer to flower...just had few people tell me haze is slightly different to grow. Sounds like all going good for you, good luck with it. Hope it gives you great smoke. :-)


bud bootlegger
Cheese comes from a pheno of skunk number 1 ceeds.. cheese is sativa dominate, but still a hybrid with quite a bit of indica in it..
Haze on the other hand, depending on which haze you grow, tends to be almost purely sativa.. a pure sativa can be very finicky to grow indoors.. they can be very light feeders compared to a hybrid.. will also trend to want to grow very tall and be thin leaved.. and can flower almost twice as long as a lot of indicas..

Which haze where you thinking of going with m8?
Sativas seem to be sensitive to nutrients and flower longer then indicas or hybrids like cheese . They stretch alot.during flower and some training should be done to maximize yield.
i just harvested a super silver haze and it grew just like my grape god and critical plus, kept it simple with standard nute schedule, did nothing specially and they all grew the same.