Cheese, w.w., w.Queen, Marijuana, Pride of Amsterdam, Quasar, s.s.o.g., Strawberry d


100_2480.JPG100_2478.JPG100_2463.JPGth100_2475.JPGe strains are cheese, white widow, white queen, pride of amsterdam, medijuana, iranian autoflower, super sour og, strawberry d-lite, and quasar.100_2464.JPG


Active Member
There some pretty nice sounding strains bro, is the strawberry d-lite just cough x diesel? And the super sour og, sounds sick. I've been smoking some sour diesel from a coffeshop near me, and its awesome. Where are the seeds from? Good luck, it looks like a very nice set-up. I'm sub'd


There some pretty nice sounding strains bro, is the strawberry d-lite just cough x diesel? And the super sour og, sounds sick. I've been smoking some sour diesel from a coffeshop near me, and its awesome. Where are the seeds from? Good luck, it looks like a very nice set-up. I'm sub'd
thanks. im really excited about all of theese strains. most of the seeds came from amsterdam marijuana seeds. and the s d-lite quasar and ssog were freebies from attitude. strawberry d-lite is strawberry coughx ny city diesel, sounds yummy. they say it is allot fruitier than strawberry cough. i might keep her for a mother. aswell as the ssog, quasar, and cheese.