Chem Dawg Flower, Kryptonite Veg


Active Member
Whats up norcal! I haven't been around in a while.. but just checked your girls and they look amazing! Badass pit too man! I havent started any new plants yet but im getting ready to start more. I got some seeds in germ getting ready to plant tomorrow so im stoked to go for a second round. I was going to order seeds and get some real lights but im on a low budget right now so im just gonna have to deal with my original set up for now and upgrade next time. Here we GO! Round 2.. lets hope for some females!


Well-Known Member
Where you been Norcal what up?? ladies are looking wonderful picking up 4 ChemDogs myself from my boy.


Well-Known Member

Hey every one!!! yes yes im fine;)

sorry its been awile... but like i said i was and have been busy, growin an dealin with this and that. so ya rockin 1200w flower and the veg room rocks :) hella stoked!!! its going to be super HPS from now on!!

the Chem dawgs that wer not form a good source are all chopped down and dring. the next to go will be the krypto mothers in a week or two.the romulan following close behind, with the grapes and flower right after.

i want to make it a timed perpetual as opposed to plants going here and there and gettin new ones and ya yaya ya....

also got some aphid bug bitches rummaging thru my roots and up in buds babies and adults... idk got some aza max guna try a soil drench...


Well-Known Member
Girls looking good bro just posted some new updated pics myself if you want to stroll tru and check them out.


Well-Known Member
i am too stoned to form logical statements or opinions please show me more pictures =)
@ jhod ill cruze by too and look a all the pretty pictures.. +REP X2


Well-Known Member

i could probly drop em 2-3" which were ypou thinkin the big hood or the little one?

oh and this is all i got from those 3 CD... told ya woldnt be much, but i got that big cola heehee


Well-Known Member
hey how u doing nar col tho hanging buds do u have them in the light while there drying if they are u need to have them in the dark when drying ur damageing the thc tricomes man if u are hangomg with light while the dark periods! k man pce for now just looking out for yay!


Well-Known Member
Lookin' great bro! That Kryptonite looks bomb. What's the genetics ion that? We used to get some stuff in south Fl called Kryptonite, it got known as Kryppy and there was alot of it down there for long long time. I'm not sure what the genetrics were on it either.


Well-Known Member
the little one, but i guess it really depends on temps tho, i dunno
it does get a bit warm even with the box fan right on it... groovy night last night ehh? way up on 9:)

I love pic 4 where you're just going 'thumbs up right the eff on.'
i didnt have anything handy to compare size, so i was like bam check that bich out hehe

hey how u doing nar col tho hanging buds do u have them in the light while there drying if they are u need to have them in the dark when drying ur damageing the thc tricomes man if u are hangomg with light while the dark periods! k man pce for now just looking out for yay!
yea i would prefer dark... but its the best conditions in ther for drying, so maybe ill hang some dark plastic or something. good lookin man;)

Lookin' great bro! That Kryptonite looks bomb. What's the genetics ion that? We used to get some stuff in south Fl called Kryptonite, it got known as Kryppy and there was alot of it down there for long long time. I'm not sure what the genetrics were on it either.
thanks man awsome to here that from yeh!! uhm i am unshur of its genetics, but the is strong and sexy:) def mos def not the Kryppy your thinkin man its some murder fer shure!!!


Well-Known Member
yea i would prefer dark... but its the best conditions in ther for drying, so maybe ill hang some dark plastic or something. good lookin man

what about making a box for it with strings and putting it in another area with a fan around it or w.e


Well-Known Member
good idea man, i do have my travel dry box that i guess can be m home dry box as well lol hahaha thanks geturgro ima do that;)