Cherry Bubblegum / TastyLED round 1 / UHD Photos


Well-Known Member
Im interested in seeing how this light works for youI've been eyeing them myself. Looks great so far. Not to be to technical but 4K is a video resolution 16 mp is a way higher resolution than 4K.
Oh I know, my camera just labels it's as UHD. They're way bigger than 4k, I just compress the hell out of them for forums


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome! Glad to see other LED users. Are you using foxfarm nutes or I thought I saw somthing about organic teas only, just curious. We do some amended soil and may very well be the way we go in the future. Best of luck bud, I'll keep subbed.


Well-Known Member
That main cola is looking great , way bigger then mine but that's probably because I was using a 200 hps for the first couple weeks of flowering haha how far away is the smaller plant from the light?


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome! Glad to see other LED users. Are you using foxfarm nutes or I thought I saw somthing about organic teas only, just curious. We do some amended soil and may very well be the way we go in the future. Best of luck bud, I'll keep subbed.
I don't feed any synthetic nutes until last few weeks when they need the extra boost in PK.

Other than that, it's just been all water and tea.


Well-Known Member
Moving right along looking great!

I'm excited to see those nugz ripen up here in the last few weeks!


Well-Known Member
Looking perfect man! I have the 1750 from rahz I used it to veg out about 10 plants from seed to about a foot tall ...then I added clones and had to plug in the MH...however I'm breaking his light back out in late flower to mix with hps.

Very happy with the product as well. Quality like you said. My father worked on a lot of metal in his day, he even was happy with the product and he's never happy lol.

@Rahz look into uvb uva into LED. I hear that's what some people are testing with n having great results. Uvb mostly I believe.

Great thread though man !


Well-Known Member
Moving right along looking great!

I'm excited to see those nugz ripen up here in the last few weeks!
Yea, she still has like 3+ weeks to go. Everyday now they get a tiny bit bigger. You can see them spitting out new sugar leaves all over the place. They're going to swell up very nicely.

I'm HOPING for a harvest date on april 13th, that's 60 days flower so I'll make a decision at that time to chop or not. I hope so, cause that means I'll get to celebrate 4/20 with a new harvest