
Just started looking at this strain, was interested if anyone has given it a go. I saw 1 guy talk about it on here but he didn't say anything helpful

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Plenty of grow threads on, which was Subcool's 'home" so-to-speak until a fall out caused him to leave about a year ago after being there for years and helping starting the forum.
His whole lineage, except very new strains of lately, can be found there with TONS of helpful info.
It's a much older crowd, vibe and maturity-wise, so check them out.
Then you'll fall in love with their auction AND seed store ! lol

I have 2 going at 12 days old from the day they popped up.
A little more nute sensitive than the other strains I'm running too, but doing good nonetheless.
It's supposed to be fire according to those that have grown and continue to grow it over on BBay.


Well-Known Member
my first Chernobyl seedling is 5 weeks in and super frosty already.
looks like much more indica than Agent Orange


Well-Known Member
i have to say chernobyl has incredable smell...def smell the fruit punch danky goodness. i thought agent orange smelled great....chernobyl smells even danker.

great job sub. this one is def a keeper
Ive grown Chernobyl it's a good plant not a huge producer but it's potent and pretty easy to gro. I only had one female with a lime smell but to be honest I've got another female that's straight up skunk that I like even more. It's definitely more of a stone than an up buzz but I like it and will grow it again.
I only ordered one seed cause I'm kind of broke at the moment but I read how to breed it with another so I am hoping that it'll be a male so I can crossbreed it with an autoflower that I bought so maybe I can get a quick autoflowering chernobyl... when you smoked it, was it paranoid free? I read that's one of it's characteristics... I'm stoked. Hasn't came in the mail yet but when it does WOOO! fuckin' stoked man. I don't want to mess it up either though, any ideas of germinating to make sure it makes it? I was thinking of dropping it in some reverse osmosis water for a couple of days then planting it in soil


Well-Known Member
one seed...haha....sounds like me...but i only had one seedling from 5 seeds. and thankfully it was a girl.

i just crossed it with some permafrost. crosses fingers that the pollen i got from a friend is still good. hope i get some seeds.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I only ordered one seed cause I'm kind of broke at the moment but I read how to breed it with another so I am hoping that it'll be a male so I can crossbreed it with an autoflower that I bought so maybe I can get a quick autoflowering chernobyl... when you smoked it, was it paranoid free? I read that's one of it's characteristics... I'm stoked. Hasn't came in the mail yet but when it does WOOO! fuckin' stoked man. I don't want to mess it up either though, any ideas of germinating to make sure it makes it? I was thinking of dropping it in some reverse osmosis water for a couple of days then planting it in soil
Dropped mine in R/O for a day then between paper towels for another 2 days and finally into nice, inert rooter plugs when the tap roots popped out.
I have 2 going now at 15 days veg, from seed, and standing at 3.5" tall and working on their 5th node.
I find the easiest way to germinate seeds I think I read it how Hobbes does it. You just put seed in dirt(solo cup) and soak the dirt good drop your seed in and put a plastic bag or something over it so moisture can't escape after two days take the bag off let it dry a little spritz it again and your should have a healthy seedling popping up before you know it. Using this I haven't had a seed not pop yet. And also there's no paranoia to the high at all just relaxing comfortable stone. Also I highly recomend the flav one of my favorite strains and it yields better than chernobyl.
I find the easiest way to germinate seeds I think I read it how Hobbes does it. You just put seed in dirt(solo cup) and soak the dirt good drop your seed in and put a plastic bag or something over it so moisture can't escape after two days take the bag off let it dry a little spritz it again and your should have a healthy seedling popping up before you know it. Using this I haven't had a seed not pop yet. And also there's no paranoia to the high at all just relaxing comfortable stone. Also I highly recomend the flav one of my favorite strains and it yields better than chernobyl.
it's called the flav eh? I will look into that one. I'm excited about the paranoia-less high... I usually throw a bad one if I am out and about. Thanks Captain

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
did you hydroponically grow yours? flo grow.

I topped them last night too.
The foremost is down to 2 nodes and the back one is down to 4 nodes.
I wanna see what the difference will be.

Next 2 pics were taken right after topping.

Left cooler is all SR71 PK x Appalachia

Right cooler is:
DPD F3's in the 2 most forward pots
Chernobyl in the back 2 pots
View attachment 1540603

View attachment 1540605

The next 2 were taken less than 20 minutes ago, and 24hrs after being topped.

View attachment 1540622View attachment 1540624

Up close just now.

View attachment 1540629
View attachment 1540629

PPM = 370
PH = 5.9
Rez Temp = 72.7F but is now 64F after new frozen bottles. Temps increased about 10 degrees in the last 36hrs bcuz I didn't put fresh bottles in this morning, otherwise they would be around 68F.


I've got two gals going right now, both seem to be sativa leaning, one very sativa leaning. I had to hit that girl with bushmasters to keep her from hitting the damn light. Neither look like they're going to be big producers but that's to be expected. They're two weeks into flower now and not a lot of smell yet either but we'll see.

One thing is I got them from Single Seed Center so you can never be 100% sure you're getting what you asked for, but the characteristics seem correct so far.
I've got two gals going right now, both seem to be sativa leaning, one very sativa leaning. I had to hit that girl with bushmasters to keep her from hitting the damn light. Neither look like they're going to be big producers but that's to be expected. They're two weeks into flower now and not a lot of smell yet either but we'll see.

One thing is I got them from Single Seed Center so you can never be 100% sure you're getting what you asked for, but the characteristics seem correct so far.
that's where I have got mine the last couple of times. Unfortunately I got a few and each one died... of course I had no idea what I was doing.