chicken wire grow hut ??..


becuase of animals destroying my crop, even with a dozen bars of polish spring soap, liqud fence, piss, etc i'm in the process of building a square hut structure which is 100% wrapped with 1" chicken wire..

i already build the frame
1" pvp
basically 5' wide x 5' deep x 6' high

i got the chicken wire twist tied all the way around the top and bottom, that way no burrowing can happen, as well as no birds from the top.
and putting a pallett on the bottom so the pots have some drainage..
tommorow i plan on wrapping the sides all the way around, just trying to figure out a way to build a access door of some sort to get in & out for watering etc.
any ideas would be helpful...


Well-Known Member
us five gal buckets on the pallet... maybe 6??? idk an set em on the edges of the pallet and try an leave a lil walkway between em you know.. three on each side... for the gate thing ... well... waybe just not nail the sides and roll the wire down and just have a way to secure it to the bottom you know.... how about go to lowes and get the cheaper! which is always good, black viniyl 1 inch mesh.. stealthier! and just lighter incase u have to vaaaamoooose...

just my 2 cents bro... immma brainstorming for you


pallet is a pretty big one, should beable to do more than 6.... (thinking of tryin a bunch of iranian auto flowers)

hmm, maybe i can cut a door section, and just use zip ties to get in & out, there usually preetty cheap, and i can cut em off when need be.

yea i wanted to make it bigger, but limited budget


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah,

Someone thinking just like me,

I use cages to shade em , Camo em, and protect em from wind/ hail/mice/deer/gophers/rabbits.

I dont use zip ties, i just clip a few of the wires an use em to wire every thing together. Desart camo spray painted em, stake em to the ground so deer cant uproot em. Camo takes some work to weave dead weeds from area into it, but is Dam good camo, somtimes i have trouble finding em.

Also get some "deer/rabbbit away" with putrid egg as main ingrediant. This stuff works!!

My video journal link has footage of my cage design, and its evolouton. Check em out i hope they help you.