

Well-Known Member
Ive got 2 Chiesel's, one at 23 day's 12/12. Topped her and grew it into a Y shape with all branches shooting up like top's. Other one at day17 and put in without topping so going to be 1 main cola. The Y plant (which was always the better of the two) is frosting up nicely and the tops are BIG! Not got any recent Pic'c as i had to do a clear out just after they germed! But kept them along with a few clones and its back on! "Will" get some Pic's up soon!


Well-Known Member
Hi there, just to say im still running with the Chiesel. I had to put everything on hold due to securrity issues, but managed to keep what clones i wanted and the Chiesel. Ive got 2 at around 4 weeks 12/12. The Pic's are of the better one of the two from seedling, but flowering the other one too and its coming along fine.DSC01366.JPGDSC01372.JPGDSC01367.JPGDSC01375.JPGDSC01374.JPG The Pic's dont really do the plant justice. Its frosting up nice and starting to smell. Got alot of hope for this plant, wont be a big yielder but going to be rock solid nug's and hopefully a strong Diesel taste.


Well-Known Member
Just for the Chiesel Freak's: THE PURPLE ONE!.....DSC01406.JPGDSC01405.JPGDSC01404.JPG From only 2 seed's I got 2 great pheno's.This Purp. one has a really nice grapefriut NYCDiesel smell with like a hint of lime, melon. Its gettin there at almost 4 weeks.

This one is straight up Lemon Funk, and just like the description from breeder, its got a skunky undertone.DSC01382.JPGDSC01390.JPGDSC01385.JPG Frosting up nicely now at nearly 6 weeks.
Follow this grow to the end by following clicking the link below, and following-on! All Q's and Opinions Welcome!



Well-Known Member
I had tried growing this strain back in JANUARY. Unfortunately, I didn't have success passing the seedling stage =( The cable box got too hot...
shutupp! that happened to me ONCE with some bf red dragon. boy was that a lesson learned. im into the chiesel i actually still have some beans left that i got free last spring from tude.
no complaints on big buddha genetics, the price is quite good, im used to TGA prices so i didnt complain on this one.