chilin with a tarantula spider


Well-Known Member
so, last night my fiancee and i were busy at our second favorite pasttime on our deck when a 5 inch (baby) tarantula climbed over the banister. the good news - i moved him before my fiancee had a heart attack. the bad news is they live forever and migrate each year in the exact same manner.

what ya think - do i kill it or smoke it out???


Well-Known Member
haha second favorite pasttime? whats the first? hmm i try not to kill spiders i see but tarantulas are a little different than the normal house spider. i say get him stoned


Well-Known Member
haha second favorite pasttime? whats the first?
i am a healthy heterosexual male- i think about my favorite pastime every 8 seconds. unfortunately, my second favorite hobby makes me forget half the 8 second reminders


Well-Known Member
ahahah got it. for some reason i had the two switched up.

wondering why you'd have sex on your porch


Well-Known Member
kill that spider... he was video taping you doin the dirty. and it was gonna upload the video in the internet.

kill em!



Well-Known Member
haha second favorite pasttime? whats the first? hmm i try not to kill spiders i see but tarantulas are a little different than the normal house spider. i say get him stoned
kill that spider... he was video taping you doin the dirty. and it was gonna upload the video in the internet.
my bad for unclear post - favorite pasttime is exploring the wonders of my fiancee - second favorite pasttime is smoking out.


Well-Known Member
he's a male, and the males migrate when they are sexually mature, and usually die after mating. in addition to that, they are actually quite a rare find and I would be happy that I found one. let him go.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you let him go! it may be his only chance in life to get what you and your fiancee get to do!


Well-Known Member
i'm tellin ya, you don't have to think about aanything, it just flows.

oh and your cock stays as hard as a fucking bong man.


Well-Known Member
spider update - so, my fiancee couldn;t live with a tarantula. so i picked up the critter with a broom and started carrying him away from the house but i was more than a little baked. got him to a bannister and decided walking in complete darkness with a spider headed down the broom was a stupid idea so i put the end of the broom onto the bannister. in a second i hear this splat 20 ft below me. the damn critter had missed the balcony.