chocolope help!


Active Member
i think i might have a big prob, i have ten chocs 6 weeks into flower, but there is not much going on, the plants are about 4 to 5 feet tall and there seems to be alot of colas. but the formation of the buds is next to nothing. I've searched the internet and have seen plants at a simerlar stage to mine that are bursting with crystals and looking plump. Am i getting worried about nothing!
my ec is 1.8
ph 5.8
day temp 21 deg c
night 19 deg c
light 600w hps
nft system

ps would npk boost them
any help would be really appreciated


i think cannabis generally likes a bigger swing in temps from day to night than 2 degrees,this maybe where the problem lies but i could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
What is your humidity? High humidity can be a problem also check for light leaks. Your temps are fine a cooler night would be better but not a problemo right now.


Well-Known Member
how big is your flower room? how are the roots lookin? pics are really needed on this thread.

i grew some chocolope recently and at 6 weeks she was definitely looking like some killer bud...nice big nugs too.