chop at night or during the day


Well-Known Member
I would like to see some data that suggests harvesting at a certain time, whether day or night, is better. I highly doubt it makes a difference, especially a difference that can be tallied. GL


Man i just wish you would quit running your cocksucker. i dont care what jorges book says,or cheech or chong or your mom. coming from a guy who grows pot to smoke it and to make money. Not a lab tech , I cant find anything on which i asked you. Read the whole article at wiki

Movies, books and TV shows tend to misrepresent the capabilities of gas chromatography and the work done with these instruments.
In the U.S. TV show CSI, for example, GCs are used to rapidly identify unknown samples. "This is gasoline bought at a Chevron station in the past two weeks," the analyst will say fifteen minutes after receiving the sample.
In fact, a typical GC analysis takes much more time; sometimes a single sample must be run more than an hour according to the chosen program; and even more time is needed to "heat out" the column so it is free from the first sample and can be used for the next. Equally, several runs are needed to confirm the results of a study - a GC analysis of a single sample may simply yield a result per chance (see statistical significance).
Also, GC does not positively identify most samples; and not all substances in a sample will necessarily be detected. All a GC truly tells you is at which relative time a component eluted from the column and that the detector was sensitive to it. To make results meaningful, analysts need to know which components at which concentrations are to be expected; and even then a small amount of a substance can hide itself behind a substance having both a higher concentration and the same relative elution time. Last but not least it is often needed to check the results of the sample against a GC analysis of a reference sample containing only the suspected substance.
A GC-MS can remove much of this ambiguity, since the mass spectrometer will identify the component's molecular weight. But this still takes time and skill to do properly.
Similarly, most GC analysis are not push-button operations. You cannot simply drop a sample vial into an auto-sampler's tray, push a button and have a computer tell you everything you need to know about the sample. According to the substances one expects to find the operating program must be carefully chosen.

50 to 60 dollars. on average a test costs 1000s of dollars and isn't 100% accurate. this is from wiki so look it up cock boy. this thread had a purpose, now it's you all big dick walking again. lol i don't have a corner but i do know which one your moms on. PLASTERED in the net huh? i dont subscribe to cock so give me a link. BTW just so you know. I'm a Michigan medical marijuana caregiver , i do this shit professionally , i don't have some secret pc grow box that i hopefully get a quarter out of every 3 months. I'm not some h.s. kid like you living at home and getting into your moms stash while she's out hookin. I make a LIVING growing pot, and i prolly make 3 times what you do a year. so don't think that my harshness is out of spite , its cause your a douche bag that's trying to tell me something that he CANT prove. PM me if you can find the info, otherwise fuck off, the topic is faded motherfucker :finger:


C&J~~Not only are you fucking retarded, you AGAIN are full or shit, and your whole post was FULL OF FAIL! Your obvious post about not caring about world renown weed connoisseurs speaks loud and clear. Talk about someone trying to walk with a big are falling over yourself. LOL what a clown you are being.
1. GC tests are done all the time, and are very cheap. Your dumbass can buy a machine for a couple thousand dollars. Drug tests which are given to possible employees by many companies use this method, and if you think for one second they pay thousands of dollars for this, you are one stupid mother fucker! PERIOD!
2.Here is yet another link for you.
Very simple for you to understand.
3. I can give 2 fucks about you being a caregiver. I live here in Denver where those are a dime a dozen. Everyone is a damn caregiver, but that in no way means your a professional, I mean thats laughable. But you are right, you are the one and only caregiver, who knows more then the best. LOL, you should do some stand up with that material. You straying away from topic to poke jokes just tells me and the others reading you are immature, and hardly the big baller you claim to be. But you keep pretending guy. PROLLY this and YOUR that huh, its PROBABLY and YOU'RE you stupid fuck!

You're right this thread is faded, as are you.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddie just make sure when you chop down the plant its not to dark, might cut off your own arm lol. When to chop when not to chop this is the question, well to heck with that, don;t chop, or due chop, what ever you do chop chop. Need to make bubbles emmm bubblies....


C&J~~Not only are you fucking retarded, you AGAIN are full or shit, and your whole post was FULL OF FAIL! Your obvious post about not caring about world renown weed connoisseurs speaks loud and clear. Talk about someone trying to walk with a big are falling over yourself. LOL what a clown you are being.
1. GC tests are done all the time, and are very cheap. Your dumbass can buy a machine for a couple thousand dollars. Drug tests which are given to possible employees by many companies use this method, and if you think for one second they pay thousands of dollars for this, you are one stupid mother fucker! PERIOD!
2.Here is yet another link for you. rx weed potency&f=false
Very simple for you to understand.
3. I can give 2 fucks about you being a caregiver. I live here in Denver where those are a dime a dozen. Everyone is a damn caregiver, but that in no way means your a professional, I mean thats laughable. But you are right, you are the one and only caregiver, who knows more then the best. LOL, you should do some stand up with that material. You straying away from topic to poke jokes just tells me and the others reading you are immature, and hardly the big baller you claim to be. But you keep pretending guy. PROLLY this and YOUR that huh, its PROBABLY and YOU'RE you stupid fuck!

You're right this thread is faded, as are you
Ouch I struck a nerve. sorry bout that.:finger: Now it's drug tests with you. Damn yo daddy should've pulled out or something , I think anyone reading this will see yeah i'm right on that one. You still haven't shown any SCIENTIFIC PROOF of any of the bullshit your saying.Oh and thanks for link fucko, rx weed potency&f=false but you do realize this IS a Q&A Book right?Not an experiment that some pharmacatical company did testing a MJ plant on weither or not thc flucitates on any kind of hourly or any kind of intervals . You still don't have any proof that thc content is higher in the morning then at night. Once again. I don't care what Jorge C. says, He is a world renowned grower absolutely 100% awesome. But he dosent have a GC in his basement running lab analysis tests on MJ plants to see what hourly THC levels are in them. His Knowlege is comprised of growing experience , He makes money by writing articles about how to GROW better plants. And now it's " drug tests" and employment companys and blah blah blah goes your cocksuker again. So once again ya big denver city faggot you. where is your proof. I'm Gonna stay more on topic and not retort about your caregiver statments, Your an idiot and we know it.:finger::clap:


Well-Known Member
hey guys stfu kthx, just to let you know only the two of you are reading each others posts, nobody else wants to read walls of text. Its called PM. use it.

I always try to chop in the morning, I heard thats the best time, but I doubt it.


im chopping in the morning right before the sun comes up. and i dont even know what those guys are arguing about, im not reading all that


Well-Known Member
so i think my plant is ready to be cut down but i was wondering if it matters what time of the day i do it. anyone know?
Veggies are best picked in the morning because that's when they are highest in sugars. Perhaps that sort of consideration applies to buds?

Good question.


It wouldnn't hurt anything if it's wet, as long as its not been raining for days. as a rule, the farther along it is, the less rain the better. snip it, do a thorough trim job on it , getting rid of most of your leaves. " I like to leave a few extra sugar leaves on for taste", i leave the buds on the stalk for ease in moving it , hang it upside down in a some what dark area and yeah it's good to have a fan on in the room, but not directly on the drying greenage itself. it takes a few days 4-10 for it to usually dry to the point of being able to safely cure it, dont forget the pics And Congratulations on your grow


Well-Known Member
its raining. should i go chop it now and hang it with a fan on it?
If it's raining, I would definitely wait for the sun to bake it for a day or two.

I once harvested a real frosty plant that rain changed considerably. Wish I'd chopped it sooner.


its up to you , I dont know how the plant looks right now, or if the sun will be out within the next two days. where you from ?


Active Member
I have to agree with Doj on this one C&J is a hipocrite He says it doesn't matter when you pick but in the next sentence says light degrades thc lol Its easy to figure this out! If ya hang it in a dark room and say light degrades thc then when you pick it is relevant!

So the proof you were looking for is even in your own post!!!! Pick after the longest uninterrupted dark period Up to a max of say 2 days when a plant has used all its stored energy and is of no benefit to go any longer!


pay closer attention to the words and the way they are in the sentence , read it again because you read what i'm saying wrong. i'v already tryied to explain it to one dumbass. i'm not doing it again for another one so drop it. I thought this was supposed to be a helping forum, not a douchebag run your mouth with no proof forum everything i'v said can be backed up with wiki . I'm done trying to explain things to you people, Do it any way you want i'm not going to lose sleep over it . henery your name is spelled wrong, and read the whole forum before you jump in balls deep. not just the second page. newbie024 GL with your shit I hope you continue with your plan of harvesting in the dark like me + some of the forum suggested. you wont regret it, just dont cut off a finger. GL


well the next couple days will be cloudy. the buds are pretty wet right now. im not sure what to do. cut it down hang it wet and hope it dries? or put a fan outside to blow on it and hope the sun dries it and then cut it down?