Chopping my CALI KUSH

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
i havent smoked in like 3 days since ive been to sick to leave... would it be bad to chop my cali kush and cut a lil off the top nd put it in the microwave but leave the rest to dry normally!?!?!? I REALLY wanna smoke now lol
Shes has not changed in like 2 weeks so im thinking she might be in shock?? if thats possible for this mature of a plant to be in shock
Also, her white/amber hair ratio hasnt been changes for like a week??


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
is there a reason that it might be in shock? it looks nice but i wouldnt chop just yet.
It has the skinnyest little stem and gets stress'd a lot
I actually left her outside for days in the shade and she has tons of hairs on her when i saw her so i brought her into my box