City Of Concord bans outdoor cultivation


Well-Known Member
City leaders in Concord, Calif. clearly don't appreciate the bountiful Northern California sun as much as everyone else does. On Tuesday, city council unanimously decided that medical marijuana patients can no longer harness the power of the sun in their own backyards to grow their medicine. Instead, they'll have to move them indoors under artificial, watt-sucking lights.

Damn sorry Concord! :(


Well-Known Member
Ironic for a state that says it wants to reduce it's greenhouse gas emissions ;) Under the son these guys are actually carbon sinks.

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Legal Definition of Pot/Marijuana is the chemicals and Plant matter that is Cannabis Sativa. Grow Indica no law


Active Member
who the fuck would want to grow outdoor in concord might as well put a sign in ur front yard in fall advertising free weed cuz it would get ripped off anyway


Well-Known Member
I *LOVE* weed reality TV. I don't care if it's all played up. Like most reality tv, you gotta take it with a grain of salt :)


Well-Known Member
I *LOVE* weed reality TV. I don't care if it's all played up. Like most reality tv, you gotta take it with a grain of salt :)

LOL I just watched that with the wife and she forbids me from working with white guys from Vallejo now. Thanks Discovery Channel..... LOL


Well-Known Member
LOLOL why just because that dispenary owner was a bit of an asshat?
She just looked at me asking if that is what I had to deal with. LOL I explained to her that it's all TV and the guy is probably just playing up to the camera but I don't sell so I don't have to deal with those issues. Personal smoke. ;)


Well-Known Member
Seems like if you're willing to battle it out in court and you're under 99, you're fine outdoor if you're doing it right. Yeah feds could theoretically come after you, but with so many people doing it these days chances are pretty damn small. That dispensary owner was kind of a douche, but I feel for his position. He got fucked over - at least he got off on the charges.


Well-Known Member
vallejo is not the spot to open a shop especialy if ur a spoiled douche who was raised in the mission district , ur asking for it ,now hes in debt good job


Well-Known Member
I wanted to punch him in the mouth every time they showed him. LOL It's all in the editing though. He COULD be a nice guy and pissed off the show and they just depicted him that way. I highly doubt that....


Active Member
I would still grow my self outdoors. let them come
You are from same county as me what kind of info have u found for outdoor I can't seem to find any guidelines for outdoor growing in our county ? Shits no joke when they do come they are all out ready for war got to see this many times last year kept me from wanting to put any out !!!